Chapter 17

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[This was not proofread, so forgive any grammatical or spelling errors, I'll check back once I'm properly awake AJKASKSDDAAA I need to sleep. I apologize for the very late chapter for those of you still reading. I hope you like this one]

“(Name), why do you keep avoiding talking about your Mom?” Setsuna poked your cheek, your eyes finding hers as she grinned at you, trying to stick her fingers in your hair “Well...... She's just really intense. You'll definitely be close to her if you stick around, but at first she can be a bit too much to handle. You'll see... She's coming back in a day or two”

At that, the blond who was eavesdropping on the conversation suddenly got up and made his way over, his silvery blue eyes sparkling “Are you serious?? In two days?”

Rolling her eyes, Setsuna flicked Monoma on the forehead, giving him a dirty look “Eavesdropping again? You never change”

The blond ignored her words and instead grabbed her hands in his, his smile blinding “But (Mother's/name) is coming back, Setsuna! After spending so long in America, she's coming back home. I haven't seen her in so long, I-”

A loud thwack reverberated around the room as Neito passed out, Kendo catching him by the back of his shirt, an apology quick to leave her mouth as Awase put down the stick he used to knock him out “Sorry about that, you two.... He's just super hyper today, don't know what's gotten into him”

Setsuna giggled “It's nothing. Just Monoma being Monoma. You don't have to apologize, Kendo”  You raised an eyebrow at the blush on Setsuna's cheeks, annoyance flooding you at the realization that she was interested in Neito.

“Why am I jealous in the first place?? I don't care about Neito”

“Of course she is.... Well, I don't mind” you looked back outside, waiting for class to commence when Vlad King walked in and called you out of the class “Uh.... I told her there was no need to, but your mom is outside the school”

Neito ran past you at a speed that made you spin comically and topple over, your eyes rolling around in their sockets as you slurred your words, shaking your head “He got up so much faster this time. Are you sure you hit him hard enough, Kendo?”

Chuckling, the orangette offered you her hand, pulling you to your feet as she apologized “He's probably really excited. You should go see your Mom”

You nodded as you started walking before looking back at the doorway, the rest of your class comically trying to hide from you and failing. Giving them a deadpan look, you sighed “Fine, go meet my Mom. Just give me a second to get Todoroki”

They all raced past you, running down the halls and towards the exit. You walked to class A and knocked on the door, sliding it open after Aizawa muttered a very gruff “Come in”

You waved to the class, then turned to Aizawa, gesturing to Todoroki who was sat in one of the back rows “Um.... Can I borrow him for a little bit? That strawberry looking fellow”

Aizawa stifled an awkward laugh at your words and called Shoto to follow you.

As soon as he came to stand by you, you tensed up, your face heating up at his gentle voice “It's been a while, (Name). How have you been?”

“Same old, same old. I'm okay for now at least, I don't need you to beat anyone up for me yet; how are you?”

The boy's head immediately drooped and you gave him a nervous chuckle as he escorted you out of the class “How do you..... How do you make objects with your quirk? How does it work? Can you teach me?”

You offered him a small smile and gave him a little side hug, your hip bumping him as you walked towards the front doors of the school “Of course I will, Shoto-San. I'll teach you anything you want to know”

“I’m glad to have a mentor in my age range. Thank you, (L/N)” he bowed and you panicked “Why are you using last name basis after I called you Shoto?? This is so weird”

He blinked before bowing deeply again and your panicking increased tenfold.

“You don't have to bow, seriously!”

As soon as you got to the front door, you took a deep breath and opened it, stepping outside and looking over at the spot where your classmates stood hovering over your Mom.

When Shoto walked over to join them with a small smile on his face, you almost went back inside, but an arm hooked you around your shoulder and you froze at the scent of vanilla, your mom gushing as she wrapped you up in a hug.

“Oh, my little baby! Look at you, all big and grown up! I missed you so much, sweetie!”

You were gasping for air, the bear hug not expected in any way.

“Mom, Ma I can't breathe- oof!” you took a deep breath when she released you, but shrieked when she started groping you all over, her hands smoothing down your skirt and brushing past the curves of your hips.

“Look how much more curvy you are too, my my~”

“Would you cut that out??!”

Smiling, she stood up and gave you another hug, this time more tender and loving as she placed a kiss on your forehead “I missed you so much, honey. More than you could ever imagine.”

You reciprocated the gesture, warmth flooding you as she sighed, sneakily wiping away a tear before pulling away from the intimate embrace.

“Now. How've you been?? How's school treating you? What awesome things have you done with that incredible quirk of yours, huh?? Tell me everything, I want to-”

Neito popped up behind you, his chin resting on your shoulder as he awkwardly mumbled “Hi, Mom. I wasn't expecting you back in Japan so soon. How are you feeling?”

She immediately gasped and engulfed the blond in a hug, squishing him to death the way she did you earlier.

“Oh my goodness, Neito. Look at you! You're so tall and you're so much more mature looking, you look manly enough for (Name) now. What do you think, sweetie? You think he's man enough now?”

Looking away after giving Neito a dirty look for interrupting your reunion with your Mom, you crossed your arms “I'd rather die than give a positive response to that question. Besides, it's not like he's strong enough to carry you-”

“Wheeeee!” Your Mom squealed as Neito carried her bridal style, spinning around with so much ease it looked like he was never going to break a sweat.

You rolled your eyes and turned around, walking away from the hyperactive pair as they begun to go crazy.

“So, I'll just talk to you at home, I guess” You muttered as you walked back into the school and to your class, slamming your head on your desk when you sat down.

Vlad winced on your behalf and asked very hesitantly “Did something happen?”

“I'd like to request a class transfer form. I'm going to class A-”

He immediately shot up from his seat, walking over to your desk and staring down at you in concern “What's the problem, (L/N)?”

You sat up, your forehead slightly bruised as you shook your head and looked away “No... Never mind, I just.....”

Trailing off, you smiled awkwardly “I'm overreacting is all, don't mind me. I'm off to the library if classes are over for the day, is that fine?”

The red clad man simply nodded, stepping aside and letting you pass “If there's ever an issue, please let me know, I'll help you handle it”

“Thank you, Vlad-Sensei. I'll keep that in mind” You smiled as you hefted your bag onto your shoulder and left the classroom, heading to the library.

Maybe you would listen to him if the issue was on a much bigger scale than you can handle, but right now, it was something you could deal with.

Albeit your sudden mixed feelings for Neito.

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