Chapter 28

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Shutting the door that led to your Dad's office, you stood in full hero gear, communication headset inclusive as you walked around the agency, taking paperwork from one end of the office to the other.

“I thought I was supposed to be getting some training done. I get that he gave me a lot of money, but I want to train too” you muttered under your breath, frost covering your cheek as you clicked your tongue in annoyance.

It was day 4 of your work studies and you had accomplished absolutely nothing besides go on coffee runs and carrying files around the agency, (Brother’s/name) tripping you every time you walked past him.

“You can't get mad because I didn't have the chance to do this to you when we were little” was what he said, visiting the agency with band-aids and in full hero garb, the first time you had seen him in costume was the one time he was nearly injured.

You were glad you were busy, at least it would keep your mind off what happened the day you went back to school.....

“Did you kiss her? Did you?” 

“She was the one that kissed me! You know I would never do something like that, (Name) please......” 

“Thinking about it won't help. I need to hit something, I....” grunting, you tilted your head to the left, dodging an ice shard Blizzard shot in your direction.

“(Brother's/name), I'm trying to get a break” you sighed, pulling the thin icicle out of the wall and throwing it back at him, the man catching it before scoffing at you.

“And here I thought I was going to be nice and teach you something. I already asked Dad, follow me.” he grabbed your arm, pulling you into the lift behind him and glancing over his shoulder at you.

“How are you? Ever since..... Well, Monday, you haven't said anything about-”

“Maybe I was trying to forget about it?? Did that ever occur to you? Well, there's no point. I broke off the engagement on Monday, so I'm not expecting to hear back from him” you shrugged, trying your best to look indifferent as you crossed your arms.

“You did what?!! Oh, you are so dead, Mom is gonna kill you. What'd you do that for, huh?” he stared at you like you were crazy, dragging a palm down his face in exasperation.

“If Neito can't stay away from other girls at this stage, what's to stop him from cheating when we actually get married? I'd rather die than put myself through that. I don't want a loveless marriage for even my enemy.”

Your older sibling clicked his tongue, glaring at you  “That Setsuna girl was obviously lying. Plus you know Neito is bonkers for you, he's literally so crazy about you, he would never do that.”

Directing a cold glare his way, you kicked him in the back “Whose side are you on here????”

“Ow! I'm not choosing sides. It's just that you don't seem to get that Neito is in love with you. He would do anything for you, or don't you know that? Yet, you're talking about a loveless marriage like you're also not in love with him.”

“I... I'm not. I can't describe this feeling, but it's.... ”  you trailed off, sighing in frustration.

“You love him. Admit it to yourself. Say ‘I love Neito’. Say ‘I am in love with Monoma Neito’, you dummy.”  he giggled like he knew something you didn't.

“It's not going to be the determining factor on whether or not I agree and why would I ever say something like that out loud in the first place???” you looked away, heart pounding in your chest as heat flooded your cheeks.

I don't hate you |Neito Monoma x reader| (SLOW UPDATES)Where stories live. Discover now