Chapter 9

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"S-sen! What on earth are you doing?! Let me-" " You're crying, (y/n)...........I didn't want to cause a scene, but people were already pointing it out, so I came over" The male said, stopping you short as he pushed the doors open and pulled you through the hallway, weaving through the students who were scattering off in different ways, either going to their homerooms or next classes.

Your eyes widened as you touched your cheeks, feeling the wetness before hanging your head, not wanting anyone to see your face. You wordlessly followed him, not stopping until he had reached the tree where you, Awase and him sat during lunch.

Sen released you and turned around to face you, waiting for you to calm down and explain the reason for your tears, but you weren't about to tell him the Todoroki's secret. That was for only them to know, and if they wished to share it, then they would, you weren't going to say anything about the matter.

You sighed and wiped your eyes, raising your head and forcing a smile at the brunette before answering his unspoken question "it's nothing important, Sen........I'm okay..........I was just out of it for a bit............old memories and stuff..........they're a bit troublesome and they can get out of hand-"

The boy standing in front of you however, grabbed your shoulders and jerked you forward slightly, cutting you off "Do you think I buy that? Do you really think I'm that gullible? Is that what you think of me..............(y/n)?"

You gaped at him, before recollecting yourself and smiling at him "I have no clue what you're talking about, Sen-kun.............. I don't-"

"Stop lying to me........if you'd rather tell someone else, then tell Kendo, I'll ask her about it.........just don't lie......if there's something you can't say to anyone, then scream it into your pillow"

"Talk rather than bottle up your feelings, (y/n)........let us hear you and understand you-" "Sen, I told you I'm fine, please just forget about friends........I'm asking this of you" you stopped his sentence from continuing, and as your eyes focused on the floor, your bangs/fringe covering the windows to your hurt soul, you began to tear up.

"But I know, there's something bothering you.......(y/n).......say it whatever it is, let me help lift the burden off your chest, off your shoulders, we're friends, so let us talk about this-" "Sen, nice save, is (L/n) here with you?" Awase's voice cut him off.

"Yeah, she's.........." He trailed off as he noticed your shoulders start quaking under his palms. You trembled in anger, fear, frustration, sadness, your body was going haywire with emotions and you couldn't control it this time.

You smacked Sen's arms off your shoulders, raising your head as tears began sliding down your face, your quirk going off as ice began to spread around your body, frost clinging to your face and uniform, your brows furrowed while You yelled at Sen   "shut up! Shut up! Liar! Hypocrite! Stop talking like you know me, when you don't! You have no idea what its like! You don't have a single clue! You don't know what I've been through, what I've survived.........… all can laugh and play around because you don't know what's out there!"

You didn't even stop as Kendo and Shiozaki came up behind Awase, their eyes wide with shock

"You all want to be heroes, yet you don't know what you're saving people from! That's why, it's better to be alone and handle things your own way, getting involved in anything that endangers your loved ones means that you protect them first..........that's why.............I want to be a hero..."

"To protect and be there for people when others don't know how many times I've wished that I could be stronger, faster, just to get there on time for that person! I..........I promised that I wouldn't let anyone see me like this, yet here I am......crumbling like a weak-"

You didn't finish your sentence however as you were yanked into someone's arms. Your eyes widened in shock as to how Sen could still treat you like this after what you've said to him.

At that, the frost that was steadily climbing your body began to dissipate.

Sen's arms around you tightened as he sighed "We may not know what you've been through, but we've been through man is an island, (y/n)..........let's all work together and help each other, isn't that what friends do?"

"Don't worry about the past......whatever has happened has happened.........forget about it and don't let it drag you down" Shiozaki said as she walked up to you and grabbed your hands, pulling you towards her as she smiled softly at you.

Kendo hugged you before pulling away "remember what I said, earlier today? At the training rooms?"
You paused for a moment, your eyes as wide as saucers as the redhead smiled fondly at you

The orangette saw your tears and she sighed, patting your shoulder  "if you're ever feeling down or to me, (y/n) might help lessen the burden"  before walking into the training room.

"Kendo-" "it's okay if you've experienced bad things, if you've gone through terrible things, it's not your fault, (y/n). You didn't have control of the situation at, don't be upset about it, all those situations strengthen you and make you into a stronger person..........let them motivate you, not frustrate you" she said hugging you tighter before going back to stand with Shiozaki.

Her words had you weak in the knees, she was right, you were acting so cold and closed off, you needed to control your emotions and keep them in check, if you let them loose, they would only bring out your deepest, darkest of secrets.

You collapsed to the floor, sitting back on your heels as fresh tears started to run down your cheeks. Awase was the last person to talk to you, you realized, making you wipe your eyes, trying to make the tears stop, but they just kept coming.

"'s okay to cry.........we're all here for you, (y/n). If you need to talk, we'll fucking listen. If you need to cry, we'll lend you our shoulders, we will help you and lift you up...........we will support don't let memories fucking stop you, you're stronger than that, and I admire you because of that"

He paused, scratching his cheek as he flushed lightly "s-so, what I'm basically trying to say is.............we don't know, we don't.......... But we would like to get to know you..........and we'll be there for you, if you ever need someone, we'll be there, 'cause we're, choose, (y/n)."

"Either you stay the way you were with unbreakable walls, and a quiet side............someone who others look up to that is never weak, and won't allow herself to be seen as weak or..................or you could come with us, let us help you get to your goal......let's help each other to become heroes........ And that way, you can just be yourself....................What do you say?"

The black haired teen asked you, his outstretched hand in front of you, making you wipe your eyes and sit up properly, looking to the four teenagers you call your friends, the others, except Awase refused to meet your gaze, wanting you to choose for yourself.

You had made up your mind, you wanted to be strong, not invincible........ You wanted to be cautious not cold............ You wanted to be a pillar for people, not hurt or torn......

You wiped the last of your tears away and sighed, stretching your hand out to take Awase's, only for him to withdraw his hand and say
"Once you take this hand, you've taken going back.........for long as we all are alive...."

You grabbed his hand and let him pull you to your feet, smiling warmly at your friends as you nodded

"Yeah.........let's work towards our goal......together"

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