Chapter 8 [part I]

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[A/N : Dear readers forgive me, but this chap gon' be long af. I haven't been able to update for a little while, but here I am *insert coughing fit here* ghosting *end of coughing fit*  Now, I give you chapter 8, enjoy..........also, starting some chapters ahead, I'm gon' ship reader and Awase so hard, y'all won't even be able to side Neito]

The next morning flew by rather quickly, most of the classes were a blur and you were feeling rather bored, walking out of class during break time with Kendo, Setsuna, Awase, Sen and Shiozaki on your tail.

You turned around, raising a brow when they stopped and acted like they weren't following you, talking about things that you knew weren't very interesting.
'Amateurs' you thought, before steeling yourself to begin your accusatory speech

"Why aren't you guys going to the cafeteria?" You asked, crossing your arms. Sen and Shiozaki shared a look before Kendo said  "oh, us?" 
', idiot'  your train of thought speeding up. You rolled your eyes  "of course, you. Who else would I be talking to?"

"Well, the thing is...........Vlad-Sensei told us to bring you to the training rooms and show you our quirks, so that you'd get used to us" Setsuna mumbled.  You nodded and turned around, unsure of which way to go "so.......where is it, exactly?" 

Awase rubbed the back of his neck as he chuckled "The others haven't gotten here yet, (y/n)"  'others? What others? Wait........does he mean what I think he means?'  You thought to yourself before marching back to him and asking "what others?"

"The rest of class 1, the hero course students" Kendo sighed, confirming your suspicions. You eyebrow went up "why the whole hero course?! You're joking, right?" Awase mumbled "I wish she fucking was" making Setsuna smack him upside the head

"Ow! What the fuck was that for?!" He yelled. You immediately tuned out of their bickering, and walked over to Sen and Shiozaki, whispering "I really don't do well with audiences" Sen's eyes widened slightly as he asked "You're shy?"

Your cheeks dusted red as you mumbled "I'm not shy........I just get really nervous when there are a lot of people watching me and quirk goes off"  Shiozaki took your hands in hers, smiling gently "It's okay, (y/n)..........being shy isn't bad..........we'll support you-" 

Sen immediately nudged her in the ribs "she said she's not shy, Shiozaki" She let go of your hands to rub her side, giving Sen the stink eye while trying to soothe it as best as possible. You took a deep breath and placed your hands on your chest, trying to calm yourself down.

"you'll be fine, (y/n)" Sen stated, patting your shoulder before placing his hand on top of your head. You pushed his hand off your head and stuck your tongue out at him, crossing your arms.

"I have no clue what you're talking about, I'm not worried, because I know I'm gonna kick-"  "Setsuna! Cut it out, okay?! I said I was fucking s-Yowch!" Awase's voice cut you off, making you turn around to watch their argument.

Sen bent to your height before whispering in your ear "should we save him?"  You tapped your chin thoughtfully before sighing "fine........what's the problem?" Sen rolled his eyes as he asked "what do you think?"

It was then you realized that in every sentence, Awase used a swear word, making you shake your head as you thought 'Honestly.......this boy' while walking over to the bickering two and stepping in front of Awase with your arms stretched out, shielding him.

"Setsuna.......... Forgive Awase, ne? He doesn't know how to control the words that come out of his mouth at's a bad habit and it'll take some time before he can curb it a-"  the green haired female cut you off, irritated "(y/n) he does this all the time, stop protecting him" as she tried to go around you to get to him.

You simply walked in the same direction she was going, effectively blocking her while using your last resort "it's not like I want to protect him, I'm just tired of hearing you two bicker like a married couple, Setsuna"

There was silence for a few seconds before they both yelled  (a/n: I'm gonna make this next part as a dialogue because it works best in situations like this)

Awase: what?!

Setsuna: what?!

Awase: As if I'd even go out with this fucking lizard!

Setsuna: who'd want to go out with this dumbass?!

Awase: dumbass?! At least I'm not like you that boys run from because your teeth are too fucking sharp!

Setsuna: my teeth? At least I don't have to wear a head band to keep my hair out of my eyes all the time!

Awase: *crossing his arms* you're not even my type, fucking get over yourself.

As Setsuna was about to lunge at Awase over your arm, Sen grabbed her and held her back, his voice louder than usual "will the both of you stop this nonsense?!"

Kendo immediately walked up to you and said "come with me to the training room, they'll find their way later"  a bead of sweat rolled down the side of your face as you blinked "s-sure" your train of thought confused 'what the hell was that just now?'

I don't hate you |Neito Monoma x reader| (SLOW UPDATES)Where stories live. Discover now