Chapter 8 [Part II]

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     As soon as you had reached the training room with Kendo, she gestured for you to open the doors "It's your first time, and since you're new........go ahead"   You eyed the redhead skeptically before grabbing both handles and pushing, when it didn't budge, you raised a brow at her.

"Oh, sorry, you have to use a little more strength than normal, here, let me-"  before she could finish her sentence and begin her approach, you had hopped onto the doors and done a back flip off them, landing several feet farther from where you were initially standing as the doors swung open.

She blinked as she turned to where you were on one knee, rubbing the back of her neck as she chuckled "that's one way to do it................but next time-"  you sighed as you stood to your feet, dusting your skirt off   "I know, it's not proper's just that I could do it myself, so, why waste your strength, Kendo?"

She shook her head, smiling "you're really something, (y/n)..............I'm glad you transferred'll make hero training more fun for us"   you smiled, walking towards her as you replied "me too, Kendo...........I'm glad I transferred here know, I wasn't sure I wanted to be a.......... Never mind"

You quickly turned around, hiding the tears that were lurking at the corners of your eyes, you blinked them away as you asked  "shouldn't we be getting to our seats, Kendo?" 

You weren't as fast as you thought, because the orangette saw your tears and she sighed, patting your shoulder  "if you're ever feeling down or to me, (y/n) might help lessen the burden"  before walking into the training room.

Your eyes widened and you smiled sadly when they returned to their normal size. Wiping away a stray tear, you bit your bottom lip and mumbled "Touya................where are you? I hope you're safe.........wherever that is......"  You sighed and shook your head following Kendo into the training room.

                      .•♫•♬• Small time skip •♫•♬•

Students filed into the training room as you talked with Kendo and Shiozaki. You noticed the same group of students you saw earlier and waved to them.

They all waved back, except for an ash blond wasn't with them when you all met, he looked like he was going to murder someone and when a green haired boy bumped into him, it was clear that the nervous be-freckled teen was the target.

As soon as Vlad and Eraser had come in, the doors closed, causing a sudden quiet to cover the entire atmosphere, you bit your lip, your thoughts speeding up 'the way it was so cool was too good to be this is could hear a pin drop in this silence'  

Vlad walked up to the main stage and climbed up on it, standing at the center  'it's really wide.......they must use it for demonstrations of all kinds.............. And it looks really must have been built for all sorts of quirks'  You thought as he cleared his throat.

The White haired male began speaking in a very serious, yet calm tone "students of the hero course, class one, you all are used to meeting others and evaluating their skills, facing and engaging threats of all kinds.......because that's what you signed up for"

He paused to draw breath before continuing    "However, that is not why you were called here all were brought here, to showcase your quirks one by one, just to simply show what your quirks can do.......the reason for this, is that we have a new student in class 1-B, my class"

Murmurs and whispers rent the air as the pro went silent. He immediately raised a hand, to bring silence once again before continuing
"the new student is the one several of you watched take the exam today.......(y/l/n) (y/n), the daughter of the number 4 pro hero......(D/H/N).........." [A/n : D/H/N is dad's hero name BTW]

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