Chapter 10

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You were walking down the hallway after lunch on Friday with Kendo and Shiozaki when someone bumped into you, to be exact, they bumped into your legs.

You blinked as you looked around for whoever it was before hearing someone clear their throat from down below. You looked down and saw someone with what looked like grapes stuck to their head, it was a boy, that much you could tell.

You asked "um...... Are you lost...?"
At that, you heard raucous laughter from behind you, turning around to be met with the sight of Kaminari leaning on Kirishima. He doubled over, tears of laughter spilling from his eyes as they crinkled at the corners.

"Kaminari....? What's so funny?" You asked as you looked from him to the small child who was standing in front of you "That's............that's not a child!" He couldn't complete his sentence as another bout of giggles wracked his body, making him fall onto the floor, holding his stomach.

"It's not....... A child?" You raised a brow, confused. He managed to choke out the rest of his sentence over his increasingly high pitched laugh "That's....... A student..... In our class!!"

You looked back to the short boy "sorry about that, I didn't know....." He simply smiled at you "don't worry about it, I have something to ask you, with you being a new student and all....." His smile suddenly widened, looking very creepy and making you back up several steps to be safe.

"S-sure...... Ask away...... Um....." You waited for his response "Mineta......... Minoru Mineta......" He said, making you nod "So, Mineta......... What would you like to ask me?"

He cleared his throat before asking "Say......... What's your cup size? I really want to know, because your chest has this magnetic pull on m-ahh!!!" You stopped him short by kicking him right in the face with as much force as you could muster, sending him flying into a locker.

Kaminari's laughter increased as his quirk went off, shocking Kirishima and forcing him to drop the blond on the ground, who took to rolling around on the floor. A drop of sweat rolled down the side of your face as you let Kendo and Shiozaki drag you away from the boys.

"Hey, (Y/n)!" Kirishima called out to you, making you turn to face him "yes?" "We're still on for today, right?" He asked with a raised brow. You nodded as a smile graced the lower half of your face "Of course we are....... I hope you guys brought your clothes too...."

"How could we forget? Also, um...... Bakugo is our friend......... And we were wondering if...... He could come too....?" He said, an uneasy smile on his face "Of course he can, no one is supposed to be alone on a Friday evening. Remind Mina and Sero too..."

"Got it" the red haired boy said, giving you a sharky grin that made your face heat up slightly as you turned back to Kendo, her prying eyes fixed on yours, making you back up slightly "Where are you guys going?"

"Just to hang out..... We don't actually have a place in mind....... They just want to show me around a bit...... It's nothing serious" You defended yourself the best you could, but Shiozaki asked "Then can anyone come along too?" You blinked "I think you should ask those guys, not me......... Since they're the ones taking me out"

Unknown to you, a certain blond male was listening to your conversation as he had his back to the wall, his blue eyes glinting with mischief.


School was finally over for the day, you stretched and packed your bag several minutes after the bell rang, you were about to push your chair in when you were cornered against your desk by Sen and Awase.

You noticed there was no one else left in the class, but you shrugged it off, they were your friends. You offered them a small smile, blinking when they both kept on staring at you, their faces serious as Sen asked "Why are you going out with the Bakusquad?" "The what now?" You asked, confused "Those kids from Class A....... The ones that invited you out...... Why are you going with them...... ? Without even telling us?" Awase continued

"Guys, it's just an outing, calm down....." You laughed nervously as they moved closer, successfully pinning you to your desk, your palms resting on the flat surface, holding your weight as the back of your thighs pressed into the edge of the desk.

"Um...... There's a serious lack of personal space here....... Could you two back up a bit....?" You asked, forcing a smile as Awase's body pressed into your right side and Sen pressed into your left. You bit your lip as warmth flooded your cheeks, the close proximity affecting you far more than you thought it-

"(Y/n)!" Your eyes widened as you looked forward to see Setsuna staring at you in worry "What were you thinking about for so long? I've been calling you for the past 10 minutes now......"

"S-sorry about that, Setsuna........ So what would you like me to help you with?" You said, smiling nervously at her as you realized that you were daydreaming about the two attractive males. She replied you, smiling widely "Neito, Awase, Sen, Shiozaki and Kendo are heading out to the mall, wanna come with?"

"No thanks, I'm fine...... It's fine....." You smiled at her, turning down the invitation politely, since you had somewhere to be, with another set of people.

"Okay, see ya' on Monday!" She called out as she skipped away from you, making you sigh and rub your flushed cheeks "Hormones........ Behave........ Behave yourself, body....... Mind, calm down......"

"(Y/n)!! Are you ready to party?!" Mina asked as she bounded into your class with a large grin on her face. Your shoulders relaxed as you dropped your hands, concluding that you actually really needed this, since it was a long week of tedious Hero Training.

"Show me the way to party, Mina!" You said enthusiastically as you linked your arm with hers and found your way out of the class, the pink girl raising her fist in victory as she managed to get you pumped up.

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