Special Chapter

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[A/n : this chapter isn't part of the story........ I'm just bored, and there isn't anything happening here right now, so, I might as well-
Bakugo : Oi! Can't you just fucking get on with your shitty story already?

Me : Are you always this calm? *goes closer to inspect* hey, you can talk to me, you know?

Bakugo : Shut the fuck up, runt. Get started with your writing crap or else *activates his quirk, raising his lightly sparking hand up* I'll fucking blast your lazy ass out of the damn planet!

Me : Say............. *taps my chin thoughtfully*

Bakugo : What?! *glares at me*

Me : Say..... Did you get your period early, Bakugo? *tilts my head in curiosity*

Bakugo : Maybe your hair brain can't fucking remember, but I'm a fucking male, Hikari.....Also.... *looks away* I could talk to you, but we both know damn well what good that would fucking do...........

Me : Bakugo.........You........... *clasps my hands to my chest, concerned* I could-

Bakugo : Katsuki............... *faces away from me* Fucking Call me Katsuki, damn woman.......

Me : ............I.......... *blushes, wide eyed* B-but that's-!

Bakugo : Just fucking say it, okay?! *turns around, his cheeks pink with a scowl on his face*

Me : Y-you're.........blushing........ *covers my mouth*

Bakugo : yeah?! Well so are you, fucking dumbass! Oi.......... Come here *moves his hand in a 'come hither' gesture*

Me : W-what? Why? *steps backwards*

Bakugo : Oi! I said come here...... Not fucking move away from me, you shitty woman *growls before walking towards me*

Me : *squeaks in surprise* uh, wh-what are you d-d-d-doing?!! *keeps walking backwards before hitting a wall* w-wall?!! What is this doing here?!! *snaps my fingers to make the wall vanish, but it doesn't* really?! Powers of author-chan won't work now..... Of all times...

Bakugo : The fuck are you doing, shithead?! *cages me against the wall classic Kabedon style*

Me : *jumps and looks away* H-hey there....... B-bakugo- ah! *squeaks as he leans closer to me*

Bakugo : And I fucking said....... It's Katsuki, you damned-

Kirishima : Hey, bakubro, wha- woah! Is this a bad time?! *stops at the door wide eyed*

(In unison)

Me : N-no!

Bakugo : Fuck yes!

Kirishima : I'll just....... Uh, Todoroki wants to see author-cha-

Bakugo : *screams* no fucking way!! Tell half and half to fuck off!!

Me : *winces* Bakugo, my eardrums...

Mina (from out of nowhere) : Aaaaand that's all we have time for today!! See you guys next time on the adventures of author-chan!

Kirishima : Ashido!! The Deku-squad is tryna' bust through!

Mina : Crap! *runs towards the door to help*     ]

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It was a hot day, wonderful for going to the beach, or so your friends thought. Mina practically dragged you across the beach, your heels heating up at the friction since you refused to walk.

She turned around and grinned widely at you, since she could drag you along easily with only one hand. She faced forward and said   "you know, I think I understand why you can move the way you do now.......... And I get why you can stay airborne for so long........ In fact, let me see...."

I don't hate you |Neito Monoma x reader| (SLOW UPDATES)Where stories live. Discover now