Chapter 1

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Class 1-B pulsated with energy when they saw a desk and chair being moved into the homeroom. Their teacher walked in, causing the students to quieten.

Pro hero : Vlad King.
Quirk : Blood control;   After ejecting a certain quantity of blood from the back of his glove,he can freely manipulate it. When he no longer needs it, he can reabsorb the blood back through the same glove.

"Students, we have a new student today, so I require you all to be on your best behaviour and be kind to her, is that understood?" He asked. The reply reverberated through the walls "Yes, sir"

He looked towards the door, signaling you as he said "you may come in now"
With a sharp exhale of air, you slid the door open and walked in, sliding it closed again, before situating yourself beside the teacher.

Hushed whispers rang through the room, making you hide behind the bulky man; he blinked and looked behind him, raising a brow at your behaviour.

You looked forward into the class, noticing two empty seats, one behind an orange-haired girl and the other by the door, so you asked "sir, there are two empty seats. If one is mine, then who's seat is that?"

"She sounds so cute!" A girl with dark green hair gushed. The man nodded in affirmation of what you said "that seat is for another student, his name is-" he stopped short as the door slid open and shut.

A loud, obnoxious voice called out to you "My lovely [y/n]! How've you been?" Your eyes widened in shock as you realized who that voice belonged to, you despised the owner of that voice. 

Gritting your teeth and narrowing your eyes, you turned around to face the blond  "Neito. Of course its you " your voice dripping with sarcasm as you walked towards the grinning blond and glared at him.

"They know each other ?!!" The class yelled, giving the blonde more reason to smirk as he continued "Of course, [y/n] is my betrothed wife- to-"  you cut him off "WAS your betrothed wife- to - be"  he smirked smugly "Did your parents finally  yield to your disagreement?"

"Why, you little, arrogant, pigheaded, annoying-"  he stopped your rain of insults by yanking you flush against him with one arm, his free hand tilting your chin upwards for better access to your eyes.

Your cheeks coloured a light red, your body betraying you 'it didn't betray me, even if I hate him; a boy is a boy and Neito is a boy, its probably the close proximity-'  the smug boy stopped your train of thought  "now, now. You shouldn't be saying those mean things to me; after all, you're mine"

Those words flustered you, but you still hated him, so you shoved him off and with anger evident in your voice, you said "what exactly gives you the right to touch me, you smug-faced, slimy, irritating, blue-eyed .........ugh!"  you trailed off, thinking of any other word that would inflict pain on the obnoxious blond.

His jaw fell slack, as he stared at you in shock. For the first time, you actually had him fazed, or so you thought, because he reached a hand out to your face and said "you................. you cut your bangs/ fringe"
It was then you realized that he wasn't fazed.

He just noticed that you cut your hair and your lips parted slightly    'How did he......I didn't even make it noticeable. It was just a very small trim I made, its not that  noticeable and-'  he rudely interrupted your thoughts "You should stop doing that, you know?" He mumbled, making you look at him "You should stop cutting your hair" he said softly.

You asked"You, w-what does that have to do with your being arrogant? And stop touching me" you asked, you wondered how his moods switched so quickly. He ignored you, continuing  "You're beautiful [y/n], I honestly don't think you should be bothered about your looks, just be yourself and don't try to be like anyone else" he grabbed your hands gently in his "H-hey, s-stop saying stuff like that so randomly!" You stuttered, your cheeks flushing darker.

"I'm sure that you'll look even more beautiful if you leave your hair to grow back to the normal length it was, [y/n]. You'll be much prettier if you let it grow, and the beauty you have now will be unlike any other, it'll be unrivalled once you stop cutting your hair" the blue-eyed teen bringing his thumbs up to brush your bangs/fringe back.

Your blush intensified as you said "H-hey, what's wrong with you, Neito?! Y-you can't say stuff like that to me! I-I-I, I still hate you!" Placing your hands on his and staring up at him "I know, I'm just checking to see if I could change your mind" he smiled, letting you go and walking over to the seat by the door.

You heard several wolf whistles rent the air and you looked away from Neito, facing the class as your teacher said  "Be quiet, all of you. Neito, that was wrong, despite the fact that you know her, it was uncalled for"  "I'm sorry sir" he stated swiftly, his hands placed on his desk.

"Since you all like to talk, let me introduce this young woman. Students, this is the daughter of the No. 3 pro hero, (D/H/N), she is [y/l/n] [y/n] and-"   the girl with dark green hair cut him off  "[y/l/n]?! The family that has an Ice quirk?! That's so unfair!! She'd be like Todoroki or worse!!"

  "Y-you don't have to worry, I'm really not that strong!" You said, rubbing the back of your neck as you looked away, making Vlad chuckle " you're as modest as your dad"   "you know my-"   "he went to U.A too. Now, go to your seat."  The man stated, sending you off to your seat so that he could begin teaching.

I don't hate you |Neito Monoma x reader| (SLOW UPDATES)Where stories live. Discover now