Chapter 5

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It's finally Friday, Aleksandr my best friend is finally coming back after his mission back in Russia

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It's finally Friday, Aleksandr my best friend is finally coming back after his mission back in Russia. When Delilah told me I was surprised Cynthia even approached her, she doesn't like adding people to our friend group. But my Del is different.

My malyshka has been excited all week to meet him. I started hanging out with her and Cynthia at lunch and it was the best thing ever, I don't care if she calls me her best friend, for her I can be whatever she wants me to be as long as she's happy. She was so excited when she found out that Cynthia and me were already friends

I make my way downstairs into the garage and decided to take my motorcycle this time. I was getting ready to leave when I feel a tug on my hand. "Brat, you need to wear a helmet. You can get a boo boo, and then who take care of kat" my little sister is holding up my helmet towards me, and is looking at me with tears in her eyes.

My heart swells and I panic at seeing her tears. I hate seeing her cry, it hurts. "Nyet, don't cry moya lyubov"I pick her up and hug her tight. Katerina has been scared ever since I got into an accident, she wouldnt lleave my side for two weeks and thought I was dying.

"Brat, will wear his helmet and I would come back from school with Aleksandr da?" She smiles at the mention of alexsandr name, "da" I put her down with kiss on her forehead and she leaves the garage.

I made my way into school and spot Delilah with Jackson. I want to bash his head into the cement for touching what's mine. "Jealousy doesn't look good on you Nikolai." I look to my left and see Cynthia and Alexsandr smirking at me.

I shook my head and give Aleksandr a bro hug. "Nice to have you back alive unfortunately" I roll my eyes and look back at del her head is down and her smile is wiped off her face.

It's like she sensed me staring at her, she looks up and immediately her eyes find me. She smiles and waves at me to I respond with a nod. She looks stunning today, she's wearing a pink pastel dress with a white cardigan and Her hair is straightened today.

"Hi Nikolai, oh my goodness I almost forgot." she hands me a bag of muffins. "Chocolate chip your favorite. Now we can eat our muffins together" she smiles at me and then looks at Cynthia she squeals and hugs her. "Good morning Cindy, your boyfriend is coming today you must be excited. We should do a welcome back party for him, he'll be so happy"

Cynthia grins at her, while I'm left gaping along with Aleksandr, "who is she?, and what has she done with my Cynthia. No one calls her Cindy let alone can touch her other than us." Only my del can break our walls down.

"Turn around Del." Cynthia says as Delilah turns around with a confused face. She gasps and a blush comes over her face, my del is embarrassed. So adorable. " oh hi didn't see you there, I guess we can't throw you a welcome back party. Oh my goodness I forgot to introduce myself.. nice one del. I'm Delilah you can call me del or lilah, or just my name if your not comfortable with me yet. Nice to me you I'm Nikolai best friend oh and Cynthia's too. I hope you like the school, oh we can go out to eat today after school and then.."

Cynthia covers her moth with her hand Delilah turns red. Cynthia is giggling at her. "She rambles when she's nervous and excited don't mind her." Aleksandr smiles at her and offers a fist bump. Del smiles and fist bumps aleksandr. They giggle and del steps next to me.

"Hello lilah I'm Aleksandr and I'm Nikolai's best friend." Aleksandr emphasized the I'm, Delilah furrows her eyebrows and a frown appears on her face but then she giggles. "It's ok I have Cindy." She grins. Aleksandr smiles at Delilah and shakes his head.

"Okay lilah your cool, no wonder Cynthia is friends with you."

The bell rings and we all head inside the school. Del was walking next to me smiling at me. I'm having an asthma attack I swear.

"Thank you Nikolai for everything." She smiles and pokes my arm.

I smile and continue walking forward. Students looking at us.

She's my everything and I'll give her whatever she needs

Delilah MorecelliWhere stories live. Discover now