Chapter 19

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Last night was perfect, I would read to her every day just to hear her sweet voice

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Last night was perfect, I would read to her every day just to hear her sweet voice. I can't wait to see her at school.

I go into the bakery and get her blueberry muffins. Then head to the flower shop and get her some tulips. I hope she likes them. I make my way to school and head to her locker and put in her combination. I made the secretary give me the combination, well more like threatened her but who cares she'll get over it.

I put the flowers in her locker along with the note. I go into homeroom and see her sitting there reading her book. I swear I feel like I'm having a heart attack, is it normal that my heart is beating so fast right now.

I go and place the muffins on her desk. When she sees the muffins she Smiles at me and before I can process whats happening she's giving me a hug. She was about to pull away from me but I hugged her tighter not wanting her to leave my arms.

She giggled and whispered in my ear, "thank you moya lyubov." Hearing her say anything in Russian makes me want to kiss her and never stop. God I'm so in love with her she has no idea.

When homeroom ended she got up me following behind her, " you know Nikolai I've been trying to learn Russian but I don't understand at all" she finally opens her locker and gasps. She looks at me with teary eyes.

Wait what the fuck

"Shit no malysh no dont cry I'm sorry I'll throw them away and get you other ones." I go to grab the flowers but she smacks my hand away. "No, thank you for giving me flowers, I feel so special Nikolai, tulips are my favorites." She hugs me although I had to bend down a little. I place a kiss on her forehead and see the pink tint on her cheeks. My shy girl.

"Open the note at home." She nods and puts the flowers back into her locker and we begin walking to our first period.

"How did you even get my locker combination?" She looked at me confused. "I threatened the secretary." She slaps my arm hard. "Ow what was that for"

"Nikolai you can't just threaten everyone, people are gonna think your mean" she's so adorable. "Are you even listening to me?" She has her hands on her hips and I start smiling. "Your so adorable when you're trying to be serious." She rolls her eyes and starts walking .

I grab her arm and pull her to my chest. "Did you just roll your eyes at me malyshka?" She full on blushes and smiles. There's that sparkle in her eyes. It's slowly coming back. "And what if I did what are you gonna do hm?" She try's getting out of my hold but I hold her tighter.

"I'll show you what I'll do" I started pampering kisses all over her face. She's starts giggling, music to my fucking ears. "Nik stop" she says in between giggles. I finally stop and look at her big smile. "Your so beautiful malysh," I grab her hand and we begin walking to class.

Finally it was lunch time. I sit down with Aleksandr and wait for the girls to come back from the restroom. "Ok I think I have a good group costume idea, we should be the the Scooby Doo gang. I'll be Fred, and you can be scooby doo" this idiot gives me a headache.

"Omg yess I love that idea, good thinking Alek." Delilah comes up from behind me and sits next to, Cynthia. "I think Fred should be Nikolai and Daphne Delilah, I'm Velma and babe you can be shaggy." Cynthia says and like the pussy whipped idiot he is Aleksandr agrees.

"Yes we should all go shopping for it." Delilah is finally starting to come around sure she's still sad some days, but she's slowly getting her spark back and I'm so so proud of her.

At the end of school I drive Delilah back and she gives me a goodbye kiss on the cheek. Note to self start driving Delilah home.

AN: I'm in love with Nikolai. WHEN IS IT MY TURN 😔
Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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