Chapter 15

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I was out of the cafeteria and was finally put down

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I was out of the cafeteria and was finally put down. I slid down the wall and just sobbed. "Delilah what just happened are you okay" Cynthia crouches down. And pulls me into a hug. I look up and see Nikolai staring at me with tears in his eyes.

He hates me, I can handle everyone hating me, everyone but him. "I swear I didn't sleep with him, not by choice, it wasn't my choice, please I couldn't stop him. I tried I did he just wouldn't  stop. Please don't hate me too, I can't brea.. I can't.. Nik... I can't"

I couldn't breathe I felt like I was being suffocated, what's happening to me. My vision was getting even blurrier I was gasping for air, "Delilah, breathe in and out follow my breathing, in and out."

He put my face against his chest, his heartbeat calming me down. I did what he told me to do and I was slowly starting to feel the oxygen coming in through my nose. In and out del you got this.

Nikolai cupped my face away from his chest and stared down at me. His eyes held sadness and anger. But then it changed I couldn't tell what this look meant. He leaned down and kissed my forehead. "I'll make his life miserable my sweet Delilah, I don't hate you, I don't think my heart is ever capable of hating you" I relaxed in his arms.

I moved away from him. "I'm sorry I've been ignoring you lately, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you Cynthia but I was scared, he threatened you, and I just couldn't let you go through that. I couldn't I just wanted to protect you." I was pulled into her arms. And she began crying, "I thought you didn't want to be my friend anymore , I'm so sorry that happened to you del, he can't hurt me, and he can't hurt you anymore. I love you so much. You're my best friend"

I was relieved they don't hate me. "I say we should go get milkshakes." Aleksandr speaks up and begins walking toward his car. Cynthia and me get up from the floor. And she runs to Aleksandr who's waiting for her with his arms crossed. She hugs him while he spins her. I love them so much

I feel Nikolai grab my hand I look up at him and see him already staring at me. "I know you know who my family really is Delilah, just say the word and I'll have him gone" I stared at him and he cups my face making me blush. He smiles at that and smooths my cheeks along with my puffy eyes.

"Da, I want him gone." I'm trying to learn Russian for him, I only know Da Nyet and Malysh. It's a work in progress. "I'll take care of it then." And then he kisses my cheeks. I think my face is a full blown tomato.

We begin to walk to his car "where are we going?" He leans over and buckles my seatbelt for me. "Milkshakes and then my house Katerina misses you." Aww my little Katerina she's so cute.

He never let go of my hand while driving with the other one.

ooo he looks so hot I want to kiss him
Stop it Del, you're staring he's going to think we're weird.
But I want to stare at him all day
Ugh shut up inner me.

"I can feel your gaze, malysh what are you thinking about?" Oh no we got caught abort abort. "Umm nothing" really del nothing?

"Hmm, good thoughts or bad thoughts" holy cheezballs he put his hand on my thigh, and there goes the butterflies. "Both" he chuckles and pulls up to the dinner.

I sit down on the booth and pick up the menu they had Oreo milkshakes my favorite. "Oh I forgot to tell you, Delilah me and my band are having a little show you should come." Aleksandr says excitedly.

"Your in a band? That's so cool" he nods "yup me and Nikolai" my mouth drops and I turn to Nikolai who's looks bored. " your in a band and didn't tell me? What instrument do you play?" He looks at me and nods "I'm the drummer, Aleksandr is the guitarist"

Is it even possible he can be more perfect. When we finished we headed out and made our way to Nikolai's house. When we pull up to his house Katerina comes running out with two men behind her. I'm assuming Body guards.

I step out the car and see her running up too Aleksandr, who throws her in the air. She hugs Cynthia's leg and then runs to jump in my arms. I hug her tight and pass her to Nikolai. "I missed you guys, now we can play tea party" she gets put down and runs to her body guards.

Before we go inside I stop Nikolai and grab his hands.

"Nikolai, don't kill him, I just want him away from here. can you do that for me" he shook his head

"He deserves to be dead malysh, he touched you. He hurt you and for that he deserves to be dead," I nodded my head but I don't think I can live with the thought that I was the cause of someone's death.

"Please Nik, hurt him all you want, but don't kill him, I can't be the cause of someone's death I don't think I can live with it." He stares at me and finally nods his head and kisses my forehead. "Anything you want, my love" I love this nickname too.

I go to Katerina room after changing into Nikolai's clothes and wait for my clothes to finish being washed. "Good you're here, you can be the queen and I'll be the princess, wait where's Nikolai and Alek?" she pouts she's so adorable. "They're with your father, they'll be back kat." She nods her head and we begin to play.

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