Chapter 68

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The day I've been looking for since freshman year is finally here

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The day I've been looking for since freshman year is finally here. I'm graduating, this feeling of accomplishment and knowing I'm growing up is hitting me with full force.

I'm so nervous I'm the schools Valedictorian and I have to make a speech in front of everyone, did I mention I have anxiety. I just know I'm going to be crying.

I'm currently getting ready, my outfit on full display behind me. I finished curling my hair and then started on my makeup. Once I was all done I changed into my dress and put on my heels.

The gc was blowing up mainly Aleksandr saying how excited he was. I smiled responding with an excited gif and then headed downstairs to see my mom fixing Alessandro's tie. "Oh mi vida I'm so proud of you. My baby is finally growing up." She said as she kissed my forehead. Don't cry Delilah.

We all got into the car and headed to my school. Students were piling in with smiles on their faces. I may not have had the greatest experiences in this school but I did meet the greatest people ever.

I found the group and we sat together. "Babes I'm nervous as fuck what if I fall that's so embarrassing." Cynthia said as she clutches my hand. I didn't think of that great now I'm nervous.

"Guys this is our last day together let's make the best of it alright. I love you guys" Aleksandr said looking at all of us. Who would have thought that I would have an amazing friend group by the end of my school year. Definitely not me.

"And now can we have your schools Valedictorian Delilah Morecelli up on the stage." I stood up and heard cheers and clapping. Don't trip, don't trip.

"Yea that's my best friend!" I heard from the audience and I laughed as I recognized Cynthia's voice. I adjusted the mic and then looked at the audience and took a deep breath. I feel like throwing up.

"Good morning family friends faculty and fellow Graduates. I'm so honored to be standing here one last time as your valedictorian. I wanted to start off by saying I'm so proud of each and every one of you for making it through these four years. For four years we have been together, sat in the same classes, walked the school hallways, and have shared laughs together."

I'm literally going to throw up right now, I hated everyone in this school. Smile Delilah, you can do this.

"If there's one thing I learned is that everything eventually has to end. I've always hated sad endings, and today is one of those days. Our chapter is ending and we're saying goodbye to everything we've known since we were 14. We're moving on and have to face the world of adulthood alone. But just because we're ending a chapter of our lives, and it may hurt there's some people who'll always be with us no matter what."

Don't cry how long do I have to be up here?

"My fellow graduates I hope you guys know that you aren't alone. We wouldn't be here without our family and friends. I know I wouldn't. I'd like to shoutout my family who supported me throughout my high school years. This is for my mother who raised me into the woman I am today, for my brothers who stayed up countless night's helping me with my homework. To my best friends who made my high-school days more enjoyable. To a special someone who never gave up on me and supported me no matter what. I love you guys."

I'm really hungry. It's hot outside I hope they can't see me sweating. This cap is really itchy.

"And I won't take too much of your time so as my last message, live life to the fullest make as much memories as possible. And now we may go our separate ways and never hear from one another. But I hope each and everyone of you fulfill your life's dreams. Thank you class of 2023 we made it!"

Cheers and claps resonated around me. I walked back to my seat with a smile as people praised me. Fake none of them even knew I existed.

When I sat down I finally inhaled deeply and fanned myself, holy chocolate chips how did I not have an anxiety attack up there. "You did so good malyshka. Proud of you." Nikolai whispered as he grabbed my hand. He always knows how to calm me down on the verge of a panic attack.

We sat through more speeches and I zoned out and was considering where to go eat after this. "Im so bored" Cynthia says next to me as she continues to take more pictures of herself. I agreed with her and lean on Nikolai's shoulder. He's leaving today.

Finally we were getting up to receive our diplomas. My butt was falling asleep from sitting too much. When we received our diplomas we sat back down and watched a slide show of us throughout highschool. I definitely teared up.

"Students the moment you have been waiting for is here. Today you will walk out with nothing but memories. Please rise, I'm so proud for all the achievements you have made as individuals and the growth you've made. Students you may now move your tassel to the left. Congratulations class of 2023 you are now graduates."

Everyone cheered as caps were thrown into the air, laughter cheers and cries where heard. Me and Nikolai embraced each other and we were then tackled by the group.

"I graduated mother fuckers!" Aleksandr yelled in our ears. "Omg, finally can we go eat?" Dimitri said breaking apart from the hug.

We met our families outside and we were met with lots of hugs and congratulations.

"Mi vida, Delilah I'm so proud of you baby." My mother said as she hugged me tight. "Couldn't have done it without you Ama" I whispered great now I'm crying. My brothers hugged me whispering how I'm old and how proud they where of me.

I was then pulled into a hug by Ronan. "Your speech was good kid. Made your mother tear up. I'm so proud of you for standing up there." I basked in the comfort of safety he always offered me in his hugs. Don't cry don't cry. Nope I'm crying.

I was then tackled into another hug by Katerina who placed one of those flower necklaces. "Thank you kat." I said as I kissed her cheeks.

"Quick kids get in a line for the pictures." Our parents said as they all pulled out their phones to take photos. I've never been so happy and sad at the same time.

"Let's go eat!" Aleksandr said everyone agreeing with him. Nikolai didn't let go of my hand the whole time. I think we both needed it knowing in a few hours he was leaving.

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