Chapter 80

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Two months later

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Two months later

"Delilah where are you? it's getting late please get home safely mi vida. I made your favorite food" I finished listening to my moms voice message And then turned my phone off looking back at the edge of the cliff.

The water looked so fresh, the sunset was my favorite thing to watch, watching the different colors paint the sky as the sun goes down. I heard a car door shut and I already knew who it was, or more likely who they were.

"I'm fine guys." My brothers sat next to me Alessandro hugging me by my shoulders. I think it reassured him if I accidentally fell he would at least be able to go down with me. His words not mine.

"Te Miras mas Flaca Delilah." Elijah says sitting next to Aleksandr and I sighed in disappointment, I'm really trying to gain my weight again, last month I fell into a depressive episode and stopped taking care of myself. "I know, I promise I'm okay now, I'm eating more again." We all sat there watching the sun go down like we did every Friday.

"Do you think the pain goes away?" I asked Alessandro my older brother who seemed to always clear my head. "People come and go Delilah, it's a part of life and I know it hurts but you have us." I smiled and looked at the rest

"Yea you can't get rid of us" Elijah said Aleksandr agreeing like always, we made small conversations the boys talking about sports which instantly bored me. I looked at Dimitri to see him in deep thought. "You alright?" I nudged his shoulder while the others were arguing about which team was better.

"Delilah, we may not be blood related, but your still my little sister. I'll have your back no matter what. Even when you steal nova and my favorite ice cream." My eyes watered and Dimitri embraced me in a tight hug.

My brothers helped me in more ways than they think. I'm slowly getting better, day by day I will heal and enter a new chapter of my life.

"Can we go home now, our mom is worried." We all got up and drove back home, when we entered Aleksandr like always embraced my mom in tight hug. And I did the same with Ronan. "Princess, are you okay now?" I nodded my head and he took a step back and looked at me carefully. "We need to have a family vacation, get things off your head little one."

I smiled and r then heard Aleksandr scream out a yes, seriously he's a child. The doorbell rang and I opened the door and squealed seeing Cynthia and Nadia. Cynthia embraced me in a tight hug and whispered how she had tea to spill later on.

I hugged Nadia and made small talk. For a moment I was happy, I think I just need distractions. When dinner was over me and Cynthia went to my room, Nadia was busy with Alessandro, I hear wedding bells already.

"Spill!" We laid down on my bed her petting bear, my little baby was a cuddler. "Ok so this girl in my class has a brother who's in your law class, and he's totally crushing on you girl." The door was slammed opened and the twins fell. "Fucking idiot!" Dimitri slapped Aleksandr and me and Cynthia both sat up in my bed.

"Umm hello? Have you ever heard of privacy?" I said while looking at them. "No never heard of that" Dimitri said while sitting down on my bed cuddling bear. I swear if he steals another one of my dog I'm shooting him. "Of course you don't know what the meaning of privacy is, you're a fucking stalker" Cynthia says as she rolls her eyes making Dimitri glare at her.

"Im not a stalker. Cynthia your a fucking arsonist." They both glared at each other and then Aleksandr came and snuggled in between me and Cynthia. Attention seeker.

"So who's this guy, Dimitri can you find him." I rolled my eye. "Yea who is this guy, Cynthia." She sighed and began telling us all about Antonio who apparently was crushing on me. No thanks I'm done with dating seeing as I have a horrible experiences.

"Not interested." Dimitri suddenly began texting someone Aleksandr as well. me and Cynthia looked at each other suspiciously. "On second thought, set up a date Cynthia." Both twins began typing furiously, "I have seen him around he's really handsome." Lie I never heard about him. Aleksandr looked like he was going to have an aneurysm. Cynthia snatched his phone and he gasped.

"No don't look at that." We both looked and see he was texting Nikolai. He's been updating him about me, matter of fact Nikolai has been asking about me. Fucker had the nerve to ask. "Stop texting him about me he doesn't have the right to know how I am. He doesn't need to know about my life anymore."

The twins looked upset and left my room. "Delilah you alright?" Me and Cynthia stayed in bed talking ands laughing about nonsense. The twin later on came to apologize and promised they wouldn't do it again.

The night ended with me alone again. I was consumed in the silence and left alone with my thoughts. Nikolai still asks about me, I may not know why he left for Russia, but if he still asks for me then that's a sign right? That he still cares for me.

Nikolai was not only my boyfriend, he was my best friend. I was so used to calling him every night and telling him all about my day and hearing his little chuckles. I refuse to believe that there's someone out there more perfect for me. I'm not sure I can ever love a man as much as I love Nikolai.

I didn't realize what I was doing until I heard his voice through the other line.

"Hello?" I was silent panicking internally. "Delilah is everything all right?" I was silent not knowing what to say, he sounded fine.

"I miss you, I still love you Nikolai. I'm sorry if I ever did anything wrong, it wasn't my attention. I just... I'm sorry for calling." I didn't wait for his response and hung up.

I threw my phone and cried into my pillow silently, it hurts. I still had the pictures of us hung up in my room, I still had hope of us getting back.

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