Chapter 60

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Nikolai is taking me on a date

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Nikolai is taking me on a date. Ah I'm so nervous, I've been on many dates with him but I always get nervous and excited for what he has planned. I'm wearing a cute pink dress. I feel very pretty right now.

I made my way downstairs see  if my my brothers in the couch with the other set of twins including their dad. I've gotten used to them being constantly at our house. I don't mind it anymore, it's comforting in a way.

"Don't you look so pretty" I smile at Elijah before my smile gets replaced with a scowl when Alessandro says "pretty ugly." I grabbed a water bottle and chucked it at his big ass head. "Knock it off Ale. You look beautiful mija." Mom says, I smile in victory and look at Alessandro who just rolls his eyes.

I look at mom sit next to Mr. Ivanov and Dimitri who's on his phone. Aleksandr is probably, no most likely with Cynthia. I get quite and remember what I came downstairs for.

"Which one matches best" I show my black purse, and then switched it to show my white one. "The black one!" Elijah speaks up and my mom agrees. I nod accepting the advice from my brother and mom, they take their fashion seriously.

When I finished curling my hair I heard Nikolai in the house. I smiled and headed down, more like ran downstairs. I hugged Nikolai and heard displeased noises. I flipped my brothers off before leaving.

"You look beautiful sunshine." Nikolai says while he spins me around. That stupid nickname does things to me. "Thank you" I say as he opens his car door for me. "Wait can I drive. I swear I've been practicing." He grunts but agrees anyways. Ah I'm driving his car.

I get on the drivers seat and had to move the chair all the way since I couldn't reach the pedals. I put my seat belt in and look at Nikolai who's clutching the handle if the car door while his other one on his seatbelt. I'm a good driver.

When I turn the car on it roars to life making me giggle, not in a cute way, a creepy way I look at Nikolai who's muttering curse words under his breath. I reverse out my driveway and then step on the gas pedal making Nikolai slam in his seat.

Next thing I know I'm sitting in the passenger seat angry and at Nikolai.
"Hey there's no reason to be mad. You can't just speed through the streets, and then honk and flip people off for being slow drivers del." I scoff and look back out the window. It's not true. "You almost ran over a grandma" I laugh which caught him off guard and he looked at me with a horrified look.

"Did you see her face omg, in my defense why is she crossing the street when the little red hand is on display?" He shakes his head trying to hide his smile. "You so want to laugh. Come on it was funny, admit it." He couldn't hold in his laughter and before I know it we were hysterically laughing.

I love his laugh and how care free he looks. When we arrived to the destination I realized he organized a little picnic in field of flowers over looking a lake. I squealed and ran over to the spot.

"This is perfect thank you my love. Aww you even got my favorite blueberry muffins." He nods and scoots next to me. Over time I realized Nikolai always has to be touching me, wether is holding my hand, playing with my hair or simple as him scooting next to me.

I won't complain I love it. I leaned my head on his shoulder and took in the sight of the lake. I want to stay here with him forever. But life doesn't work like that.

"I'm so excited for prom, omg I've been thinking of prom since elementary. Who would have known we would be together." I say looking at him while we walked.

"I did. I always knew you were going to be my girl." My girl, I'm going to faint. I think deep down I knew I have always been Nikolai's. "And you're my man right?" He smiles and leans down to kiss me. "Yes my del, I'm your's" I smile in satisfaction.

We went to the movies after and I left sobbing, that was heartbreaking. The love interests never made it back to each other.

"Baby the movie's been over why are you still crying." His comment makes me cry even harder. "Because they were so close to being with each other and they both just died, it wasn't fair. I hate the sister it was all her fault!"

He stares at me and bursts out laughing making me smack his arm. "You're too sweet for this world malyshka." He kissed my tears away, and I'm so in love with him.

"Ice cream?" He says holding my chin. "You know me so well." Our date was perfect although it may not have been an extravagant it's fine. Being with Nikolai anywhere will always be enough. Besides our small dates feel more memorable, he goes out of his way to plan them and it's the thought that counts.

When I arrive home I go into my room and Journal just like my therapist had suggested me to do. I draw for a while and once I was done I decided to shower. Yes I did in fact had a whole concert.

When I was done I laid in bed with nova. My little snowball. I was about to rewatch tangled when I see Cynthia calling me. "Bitch guess what!" Oh it's about to get good.

"Vanessa, Dimitris ex girlfriend is back in town, and not only did she try it with dimi but with Alek too. Watch your man Delilah she's coming for him. God she's an annoying little insect, we can't get rid of her!" Vanessa and Nikolai, she wants him. Over my dead body.

"Omg she stopped us the other day, completely ignored my presence and flirted with him, ugh I've never met someone so aggravating." We continued to gossip for an hour, my favorite hobby. "Well that's all I have people are weird. Anyways love you to the moon and back Del."

"Love you to the moon and back" when we hung up I stayed staring at the ceiling. Great now I have to deal with another girl out to get my boyfriend. I'm just going to sleep my problems away, yup that sounds like a good idea.

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