Chapter 12

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Something happened I can feel it in my gut

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Something happened I can feel it in my gut. My Delilah didn't come to school today. She always comes to school, never has she missed a day in her life even when she was sick I should know, I come to this miserable place just to see her.

I exit class not wanting to be there anymore, if she's not here I don't see why I'm needed there. What if she's hurt, I don't understand why she's ignoring all of us, including Cynthia they're like best friends

I head to the parking lot and get in my car texting the others to come with. I sit in my car thinking about her, my car doors open and I see Aleksandr and Cynthia get in. "Has she answered you guys?" Aleksandr says. We shook our heads. Sitting in silence before Aleksandr breaks it

"Isn't that her asshole of a boyfriend? What is he doing with that girl." I look to where Aleksandr is looking at, I see Jackson going in and kissing the girl. "What the hell?" Cynthia leaves the car and starts making her way over to them.

"Time to fuck someone up" I said while exiting the car while Aleksandr goes behind his girl.

"Jackson have you seen Delilah? your girlfriend?" Cynthia emphasizes the girlfriend part. And Jackson looks at her up and down. "I suggest you stop looking at her like that before we have more problems. She asked you a fucking question answer her." Aleksandr grabbed hold of Cynthia hands and pulled her to his side.

"We broke up she's none of my business anymore." He looked at me. And smirked, "you can finally have my scraps." I punch his nose hard making sure it's broken. "Who the fuck are you calling scraps? Don't forget who I am Jackson." He groans in pain clutching his bleeding nose.

"That's for treating my girlfriends best friend like shit, and this is for looking at her" Aleksandr punches him twice, one in the face and the second time in the stomach and then we leave.

"She's probably so sad no wonder she doesn't answer or came to school. Breakups are the worst, guys we need to go buy her stuff." Cynthia says from the backseat.

We make our way into the store and we head for the snack isle. I begin to grab the snacks she likes. "Ok I got her some face masks and some beauty products what did you get her Aleksandr" we all look at Aleksandr who had beer in his hand.

"She doesn't drink dumbass. Go put that shit away." I roll my eyes at him. "Aye Some people like to drink when they just got broken up with ." He shrugs his shoulders and walks away mumbling to himself. "I'm dating an idiot" Cynthia rubs her temples and smiles at me.

I know that smile, she's up to something. "It's time for you to claim your girl." She right she's always been mine, I'm just an idiot.

We all pay for the stuff and Aleksandr ended up getting her movies to watch along with fuzzy socks. I stopped by the bakery where she gets her blueberry muffins. And wrote her a little note.

I drive up to her house and noticed there was usually more cars. I ring the doorbell, while the others are behind me. Her brothers open the door. They smiled at us, and looked behind them.

"We're assuming you're Delilah's friends, but she doesn't want to see anyone, I'm sorry." They looked at me and exchanged a look. What was that?

"But we brought her snacks, we know she broke up with Jackson, we just want to cheer her up." Cynthia steps up and extends the basket of snacks. They turned serious. Either Something else happened or they're just really overprotective.

"That's what he told you guys? I'm going to fucking.." he was Interrupted by the most beautiful voice to ever exist. "Alesso don't it's ok they can come in."

She looked so sad the glint in her eyes were gone, where is her pink clothes she was dressed in an oversized sweater and baggy sweatpants. I'm going to kill him for making her feel this way.

Her eyes were red and swollen she looked pale. My maylsh it hurts seeing her like this.

"Hey sorry I've been off my phone. Thanks for coming." Cynthia goes to hug her but she flinched back. What the hell?

I look at her brothers who look at her with sympathy. This wasn't just a breakup. Something else happened.

I extended the blue berry muffin bag towards her. she finally looked at me I got to see that beautiful smile I missed.

"Thank you Nikolai" she looked at her brothers and rolled her eyes. "I bought movies we can go watch it in the living room." Aleksandr says excitedly but her smile vanished so quick and she shook her head. "No in my room, please"

You're hiding something Maylshka and I intend to find out. and when I do, I'm not sure I'll like it.
AN: hey all thanks so much for all the support I've gotten on my book. I'm still in school so I can't update that fast, but I'll try. I hope you like the story so far. Much love 💕

Also yes there is a happpy ending.

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