Chapter 57

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"Delilah's mom and your guys dad?" I look at the twins in astonishment

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"Delilah's mom and your guys dad?" I look at the twins in astonishment. When did this happen. And my dad didn't tell me? I swear he doesn't love me.

"I just heard about this yesterday when he asked what shirt to wear. he was stressing, I've never see the man stress, Over a shirt." Dimitri spoke as he rolled his eyes. Mr. Ivanov has never been so serious about a woman, I can already hear the wedding bells ringing.

Delilah is pissed I've never heard her cuss like that. "I wouldn't mind having Delilah as a sister." Aleksandr speaks up. I pause and look at him. "You know she'll never consider you her brother. Have you seen the way she just reacted." Aleksandr smile fades away and he looks out the window.

I look at Dimitri who was staring at Aleksandr with his eyebrows furrowed. And then the dots connected, Aleksandr has always wanted a mom. He would always be at my house when he was younger. because my mom would treat him as his own. No matter how old he is he will always crave that motherly affection.

He never had that, his mother died at child birth, leaving their dad to learn how to take care of not one but two babies. He didn't love his wife it was an arranged marriage after all but he respected her, so seeing him so hung up on Delilah's mom I know it's serious.

"I think she just needs to get used to it. She's scared of change and she loved her father." Aleksandr nodded and he drove to his house in silence. Never has this kid ever been so quiet. "Aleksandr, drop it" Dimitri spoke up from the backseat. I feel like a dick for saying it so harshly.

Aleksandr nodded and turned the music on speeding through the roads singing along. Actually I wish he stayed quiet again. I love how Dimitri can get him to be his happy self again. I miss Katerina now.

The people who broke in were just looking to get some money from us after they took both Delilah and Katerina. Idiots. Katerina hasn't been able to sleep alone since. She's been sleeping with me in my new bedroom, I had all my stuff moved into a new room. I don't want to bring bad memories to Delilah and my sister.

Also because that stupid blood stain wouldn't come out no matter how hard the cleaners and I scrubbed.

I leave in three months. prom is next month, and I need to plan a way on how I'll ask her out. I feel my phone vibrating and see Alessandro calling me. That's weird, I pick up immediately thinking something happened.

"Come pick up your girlfriend. She won't stop crying I don't know what to do." I was going to respond when I hear Delilah cuss him out for calling me and then proceed to cry because they gave her 9 pieces of chicken nuggets instead of 10. What in the world. "Where are you?" When we hung up I told Aleksandr to drive to the Mc Donald's.

When we got there Alessandro pushed her into my chest. "She's evil."  With that he drove off. I looked down at Delilah to see her eating her Mc flurry. "I'm a nice person!" She goes into the car making Dimitri move seats.

"Hi guys! I just saw your dad in my house being all cuddly with my mom. It's totally okay, totally fine. Superdupercalifragillisticexpialidociously fine. You want some?"

We're all staring at Delilah as tears stream down her face while she's eating her Mc flurry. What the hell. "I think she's having a mental breakdown." Aleksandr says quietly. She gives her fries to Dimitri who has a smile on his face. "Why are you laughing at me? Actually you have a nice smile, you're always brooding."

Why is she crying and laughing at the same time, it's kind of creepy. Dimitri gives me a are you stupid look. "She's on her period, women get more sensitive therefore she's having a mental breakdown." Delilah nods her head at Dimitri. " you deserve some of my Mc flurry. But don't finish it all"

Dimitri gets her Mc flurry and goes to take a spoonful but I snatch it away from him. If he believes he's putting his mouth anywhere Delilah's mouth was then he's mistaken. And then I get it snatched back and get smacked in the head. Hard, I think I have a concussion.

Wait what the fuck?

"Don't be rude if you wanted some I would have been happy to give you some. Don't snatch things from people Nikolai!" I sat there like a little kid who got scolded by their teacher. "Can we go to your house Aleksandr, it's cold."

Aleksandr bursts out laughing which makes Delilah laugh, and then they all start singing along to Taylor swift, including Dimitri.

Is there something in the air today ? Because what the actual fuck. Why am I always confused?

When we get to the twins house, Delilah goes to the couch and brings her knees to her chest. We all looked at her while she put tangled on.

"I'm not mad at you guys. I'm just.. I need to get used to seeing our parents together, maybe I'll never get used to it. Alek, Dimitri you guys are still going to be my best friends if they don't work out right?"

The twins nodded their heads and then Dimitri made popcorn. "You alright baby?" She shook her head "I'm okay, it's just cold in this house." I know that's not it but I won't push until she wants to tell me.

We watched Dimitri and aleksandr bickering about which Disney movie to watch next. Idiots both of them. Delilah has been asleep for the past hour. Mr Ivanov came back and saw her on the couch curled up. "Is she okay?" We all nodded and he left only to come back with a blanket to put over her.

"Idiots it's cold ass hell" he said and with that walked away from us. "I think we should order pizza!" Aleksandr said, oh for the love of god. "we just ate and you want to eat more?." He rolled his eyes and huffed like a little child.

"I want pepperoni!" Delilah says out of nowhere. "Also can I go home now." After she ate her three slices of pizza I took her home. "How's Katerina?" Delilah spoke up breaking the silence in the car.

She hasn't came over to my house, always making excuses when Katerina wants her to come over. "She's okay a few nightmares, she sleeps with me most of the times." She nods her head in acknowledgment. "Can I see her tomorrow, please?" I nod my head  and take her hand in mine.

When I drop her off I go home and tell Katerina Delilah is coming to see her tomorrow. All I got was an okay, which was unusual since she always screams and runs around her room.

I'm starting to worry about Katerina.

A/n: filler chapter, starting to speed up the time. Love nat🤍

 Love nat🤍

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