Chapter 69

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After our whole dinner with all our family's we left to go hangout just the whole group for a few hours before going home to pack

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After our whole dinner with all our family's we left to go hangout just the whole group for a few hours before going home to pack.

I looked at my beautiful girlfriend, I'm going to miss the shit out of her. "Babe I really thought I was going to poop bricks up in that stage. And to be honest I didn't even talk to half the people in the school. They umm..they kind of hated me in fact for no reason! Like why can't we just be nice. Hey but at least I won't be in that environment anymore. And I need to shut up in three, two, one!"

She inhaled air and I couldn't help but keep my eyes off of her. Delilah never failed to amaze me with her beauty, the way her eyes shined brighter when doing her daily rants. I love how even the world can be an asshole to her she'll always find a way to be kind. My sweet girl.

I think that's my favorite aspect of her. She manages to be kind no matter how shitty life has been treating her. I'm going to miss the fuck out of her. My pretty girl, my best fucking friend. Delilah is everything to me.

"Hey what should we all do" she speaks up looking at the whole group. "I'm going to my house and enjoy the last peace and quiet I'll have with nova" Dimitri says walking to his car. Delilah rolls her eyes. I think she accepted the fact that it's not her dog anymore it's Dimitri's.

"Let's just go back to my place and we can figure out what to do there." Aleksandr says and we all agree.

I tugged on Delilah's hand and leaded her to my car, i couldn't let her of her today. I feel so miserable, why is life punishing me. I always have to be touching Delilah somehow it's like I can't be just around I physically need to feel her.

I look over at her in my car one last time, I'm going to miss our late night drives and her eating chicken nuggets. I drove to her bookstore our place. "Hey where are we going?" She says as she looked over at me and continued to play with my rings.

"It's a surprise" I saw her smile and brighten even more if it's possible. When we arrived I parked and went to open the door for her. "Close your eyes baby." She did as told and I led her inside her book store.

I fixed everything up, all the damage was made. It looks brand new. I got the exact same items she had before and replaced every book that was ruined. I personally repainted the walls a light pink. And carved our initials into the window sill.

I bought her new stuffed animals even added some plants and flowers. I replaced the pictures of us, and even added a small little room if she ever needs to escape from the world for a little while.

"Ok beautiful, you can open your eyes." I watched her reaction as she opened her eyes. She looked around for a moment confused and then she gasped and looked at me. "You fixed it! Omg Nikolai oh how I love you." She turned to hug me.

"I'll do anything to keep you happy malyshka." I hugged her to me and showed her the new adjustments I did to her store. I even showed her how to use the security cameras. Her safety was the only important thing in my mind as of now. Knowing I'll be away from her for two years is killing me.

I led her to her pink bean bags and we sat there like old times, me listening to her little random facts while she plays with my rings. Her voice brings me an underlying sense of comfort. I read to her one last time and then we locked the book store and headed to the twins house.

When we entered I see Aleksandr's luggage in the living room. It's really real, the pressure of taking on the role of becoming just as a ruthless leader as my father. Of making my family proud. Delilah squeezes my hand and smiles at me. "Nova!" She squeals and picks her up and gives her endless kisses.

Great I'm jealous of our dog.

"Oh my baby, is Dimitri treating you good my sweet girl?" Dimitri comes and narrows his eyes at Delilah. Fucking idiot.

I give nova a little belly rub and then walk away to help Cynthia who was struggling to bring Aleksandr's luggage. "How many suitcases are you taking?" Delilah says standing at the bottom of the stair cases.

"In my defense lilah, we're gone for two years that's practically my whole life! I need to take my whole room" he says dramatically. He's stupid, I really want to punch him.

"Sometimes I question why I date you." Cynthia murmurs under her breath and I actually agreed with her. "You all know you would be bored without me! Especially you Nikolai" I roll my eyes and kick his suitcase down the stairs. He gasped as we all laughed. "Oops my foot slipped." I said and walked down the stairs and made my way to my girl, who was sulking at glaring at Dimitri who held her dog.

"You know what babe? I'm not even mad. I'll have nova all to myself again." She said while taunting Dimitri who just looked at her and flipped her off. I laughed and hugged her tighter to my side.

The whole group hung out one last time, before me and Delilah had to go to my house to get my luggage. "Delilah!" Katerina says as we enter my house. She forgets I'm her actual brother. "Hey there's my favorite five year old!" They giggled as they hugged each other.

"You think I can turn Nikolai's room into a princess room when he leaves?" I scoff and pull her little pig tails. She turns to hit me but I stopped her with my hand on her forehead as she's tries to swing at me. She looks so goofy right now. Suddenly I was hit on the head, what the fuck?

I look at Delilah who smiles innocently at me. Traitor. We all go up to my room to get my suitcases. "Are you coming back next week Nik?" Katerina asks me while she stuffs her face with Oreos.

I'm going to miss her. I've never left Katerina alone ever. I've always been by her side and watched her grow up. "No I'll be gone for long time Katerina. But don't worry when I'm back I'll bring lots of gifts." Her eyes watered and I hated myself for making her cry.

"Does that mean you and Delilah aren't going to be together anymore?" She was full on sobbing and I panicked looking at Delilah for help. "Kat we're still going to be together and I'm still coming to play with you don't worry."

After we calmed Katerina down my dad explained to me what was going to happen, we carried my suitcases down. Before I knew it, I had to go. The twins where at my house including Delilah's family.

"Promise you'll write to me? That you'll come back to me?" Delilah finally broke tears where in her eyes and the lump in my throat began to appear. "I promise malyshka. Ya tebya lyublyu. I'll come back to you, always." I gave her one final kiss and hopes she understood how I felt about her.

I'm going to be miserable without Delilah, my sweet Delilah.

After we said all our goodbyes me and the twins got into the car and we're being driven away from what we've always known. "I'm depressed now." Aleksandr said breaking the silence.

I heard a bark and looked at Dimitri stiffened. "Please tell me you did not bring Delilah's dog." The idiot smiled and unzipped his jacket showing nova all cuddled up.

Oh for the love of god. My phone rang and I instantly put it on speaker. "Dimitri! You little snake, you did not just take my dog come back and return her." Delilah frustrated voice was all you heard. Dimitri grabbed the phone hung up and took a picture of him and nova, closing his eyes and went to sleep.

I'm going to kill him in his sleep one day. Two years with these fuckers, please kill me now.

A/N: petition to get Dimitri his own dog. Yay time for drama and heartbreak!! Hope you guys enjoyed.

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