Chapter 62

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Time flies by quick, it's our last month left of school and we're currently doing senior activities

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Time flies by quick, it's our last month left of school and we're currently doing senior activities. Graduation is literally in two weeks. I'm really going to cry myself to sleep on graduation day. Not only is my boyfriend leaving but my best friend as well. I've gotten so used to the twins being at my house so much that I look forward to them being there.

Over the past months I've come to realize that Ronan is caring overprotective man, but he's scary at times. I've seen how angry he can get when someone hits on my mom. Dimitri is quite but just like me he enjoys the presence of a person. He's also very protective of me and my family. He loves dogs, preferably nova.

My brothers have gotten attached to Aleksandr, they always mess with me, but most of all I love when Aleksandr tells my mom about his day so excitedly. He is the most protective of her, I don't know how to explain it. Aleksandr is scary and I now believe Nikolai when he says Aleksandr gets off on torturing people, wether it be physically or mentally.

Cynthia is leaving to Italy and I'll stay here alone. Gosh I've gotten so attached to them. I'll be fine I'm just being dramatic. When the bell rings I go to the parking lot. I see Mr. Mikhailov leaning against the car and a smile makes its way into my face.

He's a person I've gotten attached to as well. No matter how hard I tried to push him away he made it clear he wasn't going anywhere. And he treats me as his own. I love My father, he passed when I was 12-13 and he'll always be my number one. But I think I always needed a male figure in my life who weren't my brothers.

"Hey! aww omg, you bought me muffins. Thank you." I hug him tight to which he hugs me back. Ronan gives the best hugs. "Don't tell your mother, she said I can't spoil you with sweets." I smiled and we both ate the muffins together.

I finally have someone to share my love of blueberry muffins with. "You know maybe you can go with Cynthia to Italy. Like a girls trip." He says, I thought about it but I'm broke. "Maybe, I don't know. Are the twins scared of leaving." He stayed quiet.

"I think I'm more scared for them. I've never been away from them. That place is rough, it changes you. I just hope they come back the same boys, all three of them." What is that supposed to mean? I'm going to ugly cry.

"Let's not think about that right now we still have two weeks with them, let's just make best of them."
I just can't, I'm afraid Nikolai won't want me anymore when he comes back, I'm scared he'll be a stranger.

I've known Nikolai since we were ten, he was always quiet and reserved. Somehow my ten year old self fell for him along the way. I've been in love with Nikolai practically my whole life, we've been going to the same school since elementary. Being away from him for two years is hard. But like Ronan said I have to make the best of these last two weeks.

When we get home ronan carries my back pack in, and sets it on the couch. We both sit down and watch tangled. Yes I'm obsessed with tangled and I'm not ashamed of it.

"You know you watch this movie like everyday do you not get tired of it.?" I shushed him when mother gothels song came on.

"Delilah I'm home baby." I looked at my mother who look exhausted, her hair was in a mess, she looked like she had just finished crying.
I looked at Ronan who looked at her concerned. " Ama Que paso. Here come here." She dropped her stuff down and I led her to the couch next to Ronan.

"I'm exhausted. I've been up all day no rest. Worst of all I couldn't save a girls life. She flatlined on me, and I had to tell their parents that their 15 year old daughter didn't make it." She burst out crying,

Don't laugh Delilah. Don't laugh.
Why do I always have to laugh in serious situations.

Ronan hugged her to his chest and massaged her head. "You look like you got the hang of this I'm just gonna go to my room." I've never exited a room so fast.

Ugh I guess I'll do homework. That didn't work out, I did one question and then spent a two hour break on my phone, mainly texting the gc. We might go on a road-trip ahh I'm so excited I love road-trips.

"Alright nova let's go for your daily walk." I said as she wagged her tail. I went downstairs and saw mom knocked out on Ronan's chest. Cute, it hurts but it's cute. He looks at me and I just smile. "I'm going for a walk with nova." I whispered to which he nodded. I don't have to explain myself to him on where I'm going or what I'm doing but I feel weird not telling someone where I'm going. You know just in case something happens to me.

I went on my walk enjoying the warm air. I love summer I can't wait. The days are starting to get warmer, and it stopped snowing.

During my walk I saw this homeless man with his dog, I stopped to buy him and his dog food as well as give home 20 dollars. "Thank you cara Mia. You're too kind for this world." He's Italian I've heard Cynthia say that to Aleksandr multiple times to know it means my darling. I know those two will marry and have like ten kids.

I smiled at him and resumed my walk. I rounded the corner I knew all too well only for my heart to drop. The windows of my book store was broken, the door was spray printed with the word bitch in red. I picked nova up trying to get a sense of comfort.

I walked up to the door and pushed it open. When I walked in I burst out in tears. Most of my books were ripped, my fairy lights were taken down, my decorative pillows were ripped open. But my favorite picture of me and Nikolai was ruined. There was a bullet mark on my forehead.

I called my brother's hoping they'll pick me up. I don't want to be here. On the second ring he picks up. "Alessandro where are you?" I can't help the quiver in my voice. My books are ruined completely, I don't care about anything else, the one thing that brings me comfort has been ruined.

"Hey what's wrong Del? I'm in a meeting right now, Elijah is with me." Oh I shouldn't bother them. "Nothing I'll call you back." Before he can respond I hung up. I walk further into the room and see my little ceramic mugs were broken. They completely destroyed the place. I hugged nova closer to me.

"Delilah?" I spin around to see Ronan and my mom. I couldn't help but tear up. "Oh mi vida. What happened. Are you okay." I nodded my head. "When I got here it was already like this. Who would do this? This was the only place I came to get my mind off things and now it's destroyed... can I go home."

The one thing Nikolai give me that I held so dearly to my heart was vandalized. I should have taken better care of it. "I'll take care of Delilah. Let's go home." Ronan said as I began walking away while wiping my tears. As I was exiting I bumped into someone.

"Oh I didn't see you there. Oh no your book store who would do such a thing? Well I guess not everyone can have nice things for long. It was so nice seeing you again. Say hi to Nikolai for me. Bye bitch."

I'm going to kill. "Who's that I can sense la mala vibra." My mom says next to me. "Vanessa. Let's go Delilah. I'll deal with her later." I nod and take Ronan hand and get into the car. Nikolai's going to be mad. I called him on the way home he was livid I got scared so I hung up on him.

I immediately went to bed trying to forget about it. I know why she's doing this to me, and it's not going to work. Time to call Cynthia.

AN: hope you guys liked the chapters so far.

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