Chapter 13

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We went up to her room after her mom greeted us

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We went up to her room after her mom greeted us. She remembers me from elementary and wiggled her eyebrows to Delilah who just mouthed to her to stop.

Delilah took us to her room and of course it was pink.

"Let's do our face masks first" Cynthia said excitedly. She grabbed Aleksandrs hand making him sit down on Delilah's vanity chair. "Do you want me to do yours?" I questioned her. She shook her head and grabbed my arm making me sit on her bed. She grabbed a face mask and a pink headband from her drawer, it had little bunny ears.

She put it on me and giggled to herself, she's so beautiful. She opened it and began to put it on me, I flinched why is that shit cold. She put it on my face and began to smooth it down my skin.

I closed my eyes this felt so relaxing. I opened them back up when she stopped instantly annoyed. "Why'd you stop?"  She looked at me and huffed. "I have to put mine on too Nik" I sat her down and put it on her. I did the exact same thing she did to me. She had her eyes closed and when she opened them they were teary.

"No maylsh I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry." She shook her head, and grabbed my hand. "I'm sorry I'm just emotional you're such a good person, Nikolai"

Cynthia comes up and hugs her "let's watch a movie?" She suggests and we all settle in her bed. She wanted to sit on her white bean bag she had in her room, no matter how much we tried to convince her there was plenty of space in the bed.

We were halfway in the movie I was bored and these idiots were asleep I look at her and she wasn't even paying attention. She had this faraway look in her eyes and she kept wiping her tears. My heart is breaking seeing her like that.

I got up and sat on the floor next to her. She looked at me with those beautiful eyes of hers. "What happened maylsh?" She shook her head "I don't want to talk about it" I didn't know how to help her.

"When was the last time you slept?" Hey eye bags were dark. "I haven't been able to sleep well." I nodded my head and grabbed the blanket on her bed. Cynthia and Aleksandr were knocked out.

I put the blanket over her and headed to her bookshelves. She was looking at me confused. I grabbed a book that caught my attention. A thousand boy kisses. She gasped and shook her head. "No I can't read that book again, that one is so sad" I put it back and grabbed another one. Archers voice.

I began reading to her and she snuggled into the blanket with a warm smile on her face. I was five chapters into the book too interested to notice she had fallen asleep.

I need my own copy no wonder she likes to read.

I woke up the idiots who were sleeping in her bed. And motioned for them to be quiet. After I carefully picked her up and set her on her bed, We all left her room and made our way downstairs.

"Thank you guys for coming she hasn't came out her room the whole day." Her mom looked sad her eyes were red as if she been crying.

We all said our goodbyes and I headed home after dropping the others home. I go into my room and grab my notebook to write down the books I've seen her reading, definitely adding archers voice on there.

I'm happy I saw her today but she wasn't the same, she was sad the whole day flinching whenever someone made contact with her. What did he do to her?

I exit my room and make my way into my parents room. I see my dad taking off his watch and my mom combing her hair. "Yes Nikolai?" My dad turns and looks at me. "How'd you know it was me? It could have been Katerina"

"I know the difference between you and your little sister footsteps, now what's wrong?"

"Delilah broke up with her piece of shit boyfriend." My dad was tying to hide the smile he had.

"I'm glad my daughter in law finally came to her senses, now are you going to chase after her and make her yours or are you going to watch her like a fucking idiot again?"

My mom smacked my dads chest and sat next to me. "Nikolai I say wait a few weeks she's just out of a relationship, she going to be hurting." My mother says to me "Now go away I want to sleep." My dad smacks the back of my head and My mother kisses my cheek.

My head hurts he hits hard.

No way am I letting her be with anyone else other than me

Hope you liked this chapter.

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