Chapter 71

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I lied I'm not doing okay

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I lied I'm not doing okay. As long as Delilah thinks I'm okay and happy I know she won't be worrying about me. I don't need her to get sick because of me.

I'm miserable this place lacks color, the people here are entitled assholes. We're currently in a walk with Dimitri and nova. I'm actually glad he brought nova. It's a piece of home we all have.

This place is cold as hell the bed are uncomfortable, tomorrow we go to the woods for two nights. We have to practice surviving in case of an emergency. I don't think the guys get the same treatment as me. I'm training to become The leader. I get harsher punishments. Yesterday I got beaten for not wanting to shoot an animal. I couldn't bring myself to kill it the deer was just a baby.

I wonder what my beautiful girl is doing at this moment. "I want to go home" Dimitri says breaking the silence. His arm is bandaged up you can see faint blood on the white bandages. "I want edible food. I took for granted the amount of comfy sleep I had. I don't sleep anymore I'm cranky 24/7" Aleksandr said.

Yea this place is horrible. "What happened to your arm?" Aleksandr asked Dimitri. He stayed quiet and then looked at nova. "They tried taking nova from me. But I didn't let them, they cut me accidentally."

We continued to walk around talking about things how the girls are doing. I went back to my room after our walk and laid down just staring at the ceiling full of cracked paint. I wonder what went through my dads head sending me to this place.

A knock sounded through the door and then a letter slipped in. I got up recognizing the pink envelope. My girl. I opened the letter and smelt her perfume. I realized Delilah sprayed her letters with her perfume and kissed the letter at the corner. I won't complain I'm obsessed with her smell. It keeps me going.

My dearest Nikolai,
Hi! I'm glad you're doing great. I'm okay I miss you though, which sucks. Katerina is good she misses you so much too.

We played princess yesterday, and I'm sorry to say this but your room isn't your anymore. She made it into her closet space. Who knew she had so many dresses. Imagine when she's older?

Baby I miss you so much I wish you could hold me in your arms and whisper your sweet little encouraging words. I miss your voice. Me and Cynthia are currently at her house in Italy.

Nik the views are so beautiful I'm really considering living here, the food! I love the pasta I was obsessed with pasta before, but now!! Never going to be the same.

Me and Cynthia miss you boys. Oh I almost forgot to mention. I made a new friend! Her name is Nadia she's 23 though, but it's okay! Are you proud of me? I made a friend all by myself and she wasn't annoyed of me. She's looking over our bookstore while we're both gone.

I love you lots! Miss you always. Promise to come back to me. Te amo mucho.

~ love your beautiful and funny girlfriend, Delilah. (Ps I sent some pictures I hope you love them)

I smiled at the letter, I couldn't contain the smile threatening to come out. Even distance apart, Delilah never failed to bring out a smile from my face. I took the photos out and I was breathless at the pictures she sent me.

Some of them were with her and Cynthia, others were of her in her pretty sundresses, she got even more beautiful than the last time I've seen her. My precious Delilah.

I put the pictures in the drawer and flinched when there was pounding and yelling at my door. " time for classes!" I groaned and got up grabbing my books and walked out the room.

I miss my family and my girlfriend. When I reached class I sat through the boring lectures and then left when it was over. Fuck this place.

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