Chapter 18

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As soon as I got home, reality set in

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As soon as I got home, reality set in. I couldn't escape this place no matter how much I want to. I always end up back in the place that reminds me of all that happened.

My mom went back to work as she couldn't take much days off. "Hey, I got a call from school saying you ditched the whole day?" Elijah says as he approaches me. "Yea something happened and I just left." Elijah sighed and nodded. "Do you want to talk about it, you can't bottle everything up Angel"

I don't want to be seen as weak, "I'm fine Lijah, no need to worry." I walked away leaving him standing there. I turn to see him rubbing his head. I feel like a burden.

I head into my room and take a shower. I mainly sat there until the warm water turned cold. Lately I've been spacing off, and just thinking about how different my life could have been if I never dated Jackson.

I changed into some pjs and laid in bed. I kept turning and tossing and just couldn't sleep. I didn't even think about it and just called Nikolai.

It rang once before he answered, "hello? Delilah are you okay, is something wrong?" He sounded so worried

So caring, that's why we want to kiss him. Wait what?
Shut up inner me

"Malysh are you alright your scaring me?" Oh I should really speak right now. "Hey sorry, I just.. I may sound stupid or childish but I just can't sleep, I'm sorry I probably woke you up I'll just hang up." Before I can hang up he quickly responded. "You're not childish and you're not stupid darling, call me whenever you want, I'll always pick up."

I sighed in relief, "so I didn't wake you up?" I'm overthinking everything he probably thinks I'm annoying. "No malyshka, here how about you get comfortable and I'll read to you da?" He's my favorite person ever.

"Da, thank you moya lyubov, did I say that correctly?" I hope I didn't sound stupid. He was quite, great I sounded stupid. Ugh why am I always embarrassing myself. "Say that again darling, I need to hear it again." His voice got deeper and raspy. "Moya lyubov?"

"God you drive me insane malysh, you're so perfect, my pretty girl" I'm full on blushing I'm at lost for words, he starts reading to me and  I'm about to doze off when I hear him ask if I'm asleep. Not yet, I wait a few more minutes my eyes are trying so hard to stay open.

"I know your sleeping right now which is why I'm telling you this, you're the most perfect, most beautiful Girl I've ever laid my eyes on. I can't even look at any other girl without comparing them to your beauty, they never come close to being as gorgeous as you are. And I'm going to marry you one day, buy you everything you want, you stole my heart malyshka but I'm fine with that, you can keep it, as long as it's with you. Goodnight my sweet  Delilah."

Tears were rolling down my face, he did not just say that, I look at my phone to see if he hung up, he's still on call. "I'll keep your heart safe, only if you keep my heart safe as well, my love. I think my heart has always been yours since the moment I saw that little grumpy kid enter the classroom. good night Nikolai." He whispers a goodnight and with that we both fall asleep on call.

He's not just a friend to me he never was and it took me a long time to realize that. But I don't think I'm ready for a relationship right now. But he's different.

When I woke up I saw that we were still on call I get ready and curl my hair, I feel like getting ready today, I feel energized. I still have the bruises so I have to wear sweaters still. I put on a pink sweater and blue jeans on.

I can't wait to tell Cynthia, I'm glad I finally have someone I can
talk about my crushes to. "Delilah?" I flinched hard. I got so scared I forgot we were still on call, god his voice is even deeper in the morning. "Good morning Nikolai sleep well?"

"Best sleep ever see you at school?" We said our goodbyes and I finished getting ready.

Why am I so nervous to see him. Ugh get a grip Del.

AN: hey been busy lately with school work. Trying to update chapters soon. Thank you all for the support. reading your comments make my day.

Can we also take a min and just process how they basically confirmed they like each other?
I love them so much

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