Chapter 26

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It was finally Saturday, and I was so excited for our date

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It was finally Saturday, and I was so excited for our date. I can't believe this, little me would be bawling her eyes of happiness.

I don't think I could ever tell Nikolai I had a crush on him  elementary through middle school. I would die of embarrassment. I had my outfit picked out since last week that's how excited I was. It didn't help I kept seeing him at school.

It rolled around five and I started getting ready, I did my makeup and did some soft curls on my hair. By the time I was done the doorbell rang. I quickly got my bag and put my shoes on. "Nikolai good to see you again Delilah is almost done please come in"

I walk down the stairs and see Nikolai looking so handsome. My pretty boy, he had flowers in his hand, specifically pink tulips my favorite. My heart wants to collapse.

He sees me and smiles so big, I go and hug him I think giving him hugs by the neck is my favorite. He hugs my waist and nuzzles his face in my neck. I separate from him and receive the flowers he brought me, I quickly go and put them in a vase. "Be back by midnight." My mom says and pushes us out the door.

"Where are you taking me?" He looks at me and shakes his head. "It's a surprise malyshka." He opens the door for me and buckled me in.

I'm so I love with this man.

He grabs my hand when he gets in the car and kisses my knuckles, while playing with my rings. I see we're going to a park. When we get out we walk a little before I see a sight that made me gasp. I look up at him to see he's already looking at me his eyes have a sparkle. And I want to ugly cry of happiness.

He had a blanket with candles illuminating the scene. We sat by a lake and he picked the picnic basket and laid out the food. "Nikolai this is so cute, I love it." He hums in acknowledgment and wipes chocolate off my lips. "Do you want to dance?" I looked at him confused. "There's no music Nik" he shrugged his shoulders and helped me get up. "We can make up our own song."

He begins to sway and twirls me around. I was smiling so hard my cheeks hurt. He picks me up and twirls me around the air, and I couldn't help but let out a loud laugh. I put my hands on his shoulder and he slowly brings me down. He grabs my chin softly and kisses me gently.

My body felt so warm and I've never been so happy. He pulls away and I look up at him. "You're the most stunning girl on this earth Delilah. I'll do anything for you baby." I blush and he chuckles , "come on there's one more place I'll like to take you to"

We pack up and head to his car. He drives back into town, and goes into a building. "You brought me to a bookstore?" I'm staring at the book store building, it has the lights on inside but no one is in there. "Mhm not just any bookstore, look at the sign." I look up and to see the sign and my mouth drops open. He did not.

The sign had my name on "Delilah's bookstore." I see him extend his hand, it was keys to the store. "Is this a joke, Nikolai I'm going to ugly cry." I go and hug him he picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. "You're literally the perfect person ever, ugh I could kiss you right now."

"So what's stopping you malyshka? Kiss me please" I couldn't deny this man anything. I kissed him hard and passionately. When I pulled away he put me down and I went to go open the store. It smelled like fresh new books, there was a little tent in the middle of the reading area. I go close to it and see there was a projector set up with snacks and comfy pillows.

"I hope you know how much I care for you Nikolai, and truly I can't thank you enough for this perfect night." We settle down in the tent and we begin watching the notebook. By the end of the movie I was crying and Nikolai just kept laughing at me.

"Stop laughing at me." I wipe my tears while giggling and sort of crying. He tugs me towards him my back touching his chest. "I have something else, I hope you love it." He takes out two boxes, he opens it and I see it was a diamond necklace with a pink heart. He puts it on me and whispers in my ear, "so you can carry my heart with you at all times malysh." He opens the other box and in it is a bracelet. He puts it on my and kisses my hand. "Now we can match" I thank him and pepper kisses all over his face.

"You're the most important person in my life Delilah, I'm so happy I finally got to take you out. You Made my dreams come true baby." I was full on blushing, yup I'm in love with this man.

"You don't know how long I've wanted you to take me out Nikolai." I look at him and he has eyebrows raised. "that's impossible my love, I've been obsessed with you for so long"

I nuzzled my head in his neck and he continued talking. "I've been obsessed with that gorgeous smile of yours, the way you're always reading books, your kindness, your fucking pink clothes, your voice and laughter. You have invaded my head Delilah, you are all I ever think about, and you have stolen my heart Delilah."

We spend some time in my bookstore. He's laying on my lap while I run my fingers through his hair and reading to him. It was already eleven, and I had to go home. I lock the store and grab his extended hand.

Nikolai drops me off home and walks me to my door, he kissed me goodbye and I head to my room, and squeal into my pillow.

AN: I hope you liked their little date, finally. I'm so in love with them. Nikolai and Delilah have my heart I'm in love with them. More chapters coming soon

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