Birthday! Part 1

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.*.*.--- Blues POV ---.*.*.

Today is the day, the day I turn 17! The day Devon tells the whole pack I'm his mate. The day I shift.. To top it all of the day of the full moon.

Yesterday's events were interesting.. I talked for the first time in two days, and I saw Devon and talked to him. I mean we made up. Oh right.. We made up. That explains why I'm sleeping well was sleeping in his arms.

WAIT.. AM I CLOTHED?!? I SWEAR TO GOD... oh yes! YAS. My clothes are on I mean good thing I'm wearing my favorite thing and it's actually comfy. A t-shirt and sweatpants asdfghjkl just perfection.

He is so cute when he sleeps.. Awe.. BLUE STOP YOU'RE BEING A CREEP. Oh my god what if he wakes up?!?! Must get out of super comfy grip. Gosh I just want to melt into his arms.

PULL IT TOGETHER.! Okay we are making progress I'm pretty much out of the bed. YES VICTORY IS ..

Not mine.

Good morning beautiful.


Where do you think you're going ?

I didn't wanna wake you so for a walk.

Oh no you're not birthday girl.

Ahh I feel trapped. Ofcourse he has to wrap his arms around his waist and pull me towards him. Now I don't wanna leave.

Comfortable my girl?

Yes but I have to go.

Whyyyyy? I just got you to lay back down.

I'm in your room and if somebody comes to see you..

So fucking what? You're my mate.

I know love, but they don't know that.

You're right so I'll let you go now and then when I announce it I'm going to show you off and kiss you infront of everyone so they know your mine and only mine. Tonight everyone will know that you are my perfect mate.

Tonight is surely going to be interesting.. And embarrassing.

Okay.. Okay.. But you have to let me go..

What about my kiss?

Sorry sir, you should really save that for your mate.

Excuse me smart ass you can't leave until I get one.


*.*.*.*.*.* 5 min later.*.*.*.

I can hear how frustrated he is from outside. I guess I would be frustrated too if my mate lead me to think I was getting a legitimate kiss and then she snuck a kiss on a cheek and teleported out before I could do anything.. Ooops. My bad.

Alright now I have to make it to my room. But I could really use some music. Holy shit my headphones just appeared out of nowhere and started playing music I think I could get used to this.

Oh I love this song.
"Well you treat me just like another stranger
Well it's nice to meet you sir
I guess I'll go
I best be on my way out
You treat me just like another stranger
Well it's nice to meet you sir
I guess I'll go
I best be on my way out

Ignorance is your new best friend
Ignorance is your new best friend
Ignorance is your new best friend
Ignorance is your new best friend" assaskdnwkdoskdkdjmwksjqkdnakjsjdkwj Paramore is absolutely bae in this prison.

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