Fun what? (Part 2)

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.*.*.--- Blue's POV --.*.*.*.

[James] Well I hope that nothing goes wrong today and thanks for the friendship bracelet.

No problem man, and where could he be? We have been looking for him for 2 whole hours.

[James] Probably making everything "Fun"

He chuckles at his own comment.

Am I detecting some sarcasm?

[James] Look, I'm sorry but it seems every time I'm around you or any time he even sees me he always gives me a dirty look. It's like he thinks we have some kind of beef. It's annoying.

He's just protective

He rolls his eyes at me and sighs.

[James] JUST protective? I guarantee something is going to go terribly wrong today. Every time something good happens it's followed by something bad.

I know, it's just the way life is I guess.

[James] well it's bullshit.

I know, and where is Maddy and Tyler?

[James] Hey! Let's get back on topic Mr.Wonderful is coming.


I love this,the feeling of being engulfed in a giant hug, it brings me some kind of eternal bliss.

Where have you been?

For some reason I can't stifle my excitement.

Preparing the best day of everyone's lives.. I mean except the day I found you.

[James] Jesus Christ.


Shit he's giving me a look.

I got so caught up in the moment I didn't realize who you were with. You know I don't like him right.?

[James] Feelings are mutual.

I don't like where this is going Dev is narrowing his eyes on James.

Alright boys, today is supposed to be a fun day.. Remember fun? Fun for everyone? Speaking of everyone is Maddy going to be there?

Oh that Leech?

When did you go back to hating her again?

Since our friendship is not required. I'm only friends with her when I have to be.

Wow. I can't believe that he said that.

Ow. Did you just hit me?

Yes cause you're being an ass.

What you actually like her? I can't tell anymore you two don't talk.

And who's fault is that ? Hmm

Jakes clears his throat obviously uncomfortable.

[James] you do know I'm still here right?

Shut up.

Oh so you would rather fight over Maddy on fun day?

Who said I was fighting?

Whatever. Come on James we're going to go have some fun.

Fine you know what ? Go with him I have a pack to run.. Have fun.

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