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.*.*.*.---Maddy's P.O.V---.*.*.*.

So what did you actually do yesterday?

She gets a playful smirk on her face. I know somethings up.

What're you talking about Maddy? I did the mission.

Right.. You took awfully long though.

I was conversating.

So you took care of everything?


She narrows her eyes at me

Is there something you want to say to me Maddy?

Yeah that you're hiding something from everyone and I can feel it, there is no way there was that much energy released for a simple conversation. So what did you do?

No. We were all just worried about you that's all. I just wanted to make sure that you were okay and that the Lycans didn't say anything or do anything to you.

Lycans? What are those?

She laughs but she's definitely hiding something... She's become very different since we came here I mean I have too but not like her, something snapped in her head.. I don't feel like she's all there. We used to be so tight, so inseparable but now she is so distant. That's why it surprised me that she agreed to lunch after disappearing last night stating, she 'needed time'.

She's just been acting strange.. She's even been distancing herself from Devon. The only person she seems to talk to is Tyler. How did he penetrate her inner circle? She cut out practically everyone and left one dot. Something just isn't adding up.. I just want my best friend back because I don't know who this is.

Are you feeling alright Maddy? You've been spacing out for quite sometime.

Oh, yeah. Didn't get much sleep last night. I was greeting the new vampire arrivals and letting them know the rules, you know how that can get.

Sure I do.

She gives me a fake enthusiastic smile.

Hey, maybe you should take a walk on the grounds tomorrow.. I'm sure the pack will be very happy to see you.

Since you're like a mystery to them. They don't even know their own Luna.

Sounds good.

Maybe you could walk with Devon too! It'll show unity and I'm sure everyone would be very pleased to see their Alpha and Luna together.

There she goes again eyeing me like she doesn't trust me like I'm some kind of outsider.

Yes, that sounds like a plan if he doesn't have many Alpha duties to do like today.

She's acting like he's the one too busy for her, he would stop the world for her. She's the one who took off last night after getting back he hasn't seen her since last night. Maybe she just doesn't wanna see him but why? Wouldn't the bond pull her? Wait, it would pull the wolf part not the witch part.

So if she isn't feeling the bond she can just do what she wants. This explains why she could stand leaving him for so long because she's been shutting her wolf out.  She hasn't shifted in a long time but Devon is full werewolf that's why it's hurting him so bad. How can we get her to shift? She's only done it twice. Maybe that's the key.

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