Holy Shit

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.*.*.*.---- Mind link ---*.*.*.


Who is this?

Umm I need your help.

Ah the hybrid. What's up Blue?

My wolf is dying because we're too different, I'm unintentionally killing her so...

Where do I come into play?

I'm going to bind us.

Like one of us? Wait. So you're trying to be a Lycan? Blue you need to be careful! You can't just make Lycans! If my Alpha finds out... You'll be more powerful than us because you can also use magic. What about the Moon goddess?

If she didn't want me to do this she would've stopped me. Look, I need your help because it will be very different balancing myself and my wolf. I wanted the help of someone who understood. I will do this with or without you maybe I'll ask the witches.

NO. I mean that's not necessary do not consult with those coniving beings! They have words of silk and will trick you into joining them and then we will all be in danger. We made a deal yes? When would you like to meet?

Tonight, look I wouldn't ask you if I didn't need to and I don't have anyone else to trust.

I'm glad to help but what you're doing is dangerous. I suppose I would rather you have someone to have your back. Where do you want to meet?

In the woods where we made the deal.

Okay I gotta go before the others get suspicious I'll see you soon. And Blue? Pleas be careful.

Thank you and you as well.

.*.*.*.*.-- Mind link---.*.*.*.

• Well that seemed to go well.

Yeah I guess.

• Do you even know how to do this?

Remember when I was looking for something to make to keep Lycans out of our land?

• yeah.

Well I also found a page on to binding us. I wasn't thinking about it then, it looked interesting so I saved it. There are different ways to do it but I actually wanna meet you so basically I have to drink something and it will seperate us. We will be able to see eachother like what we look like to everyone else and then we have to eat something.. bind blood and accept..

• I know for a fact that you could just drink something and then BAM but you always have to be complicated don't you?

So you're telling me you don't want to experience a few minutes of freedom before being mushed into my mind becoming one soul instead of two?

• When you put it that way..

Then it's settled.

• He's waking up

Of course he is.

• Are you seriosuly not going to tell him anything?

It's none of his business.

• So that means it's none of Max's business?

I mean.. I want you to be able to say good bye? It's not really good bye because you'll still exist but differently? Just make sure Max doesn't tell him and remember nobody is allowed to know about Emmitt.

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