Maddy's room.

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Maddy's Pov

One minute we are running and the next we are in my room. Blue is passed out on my floor. How did we get here? Last thing I remember I was thinking we had a half an hour till we got to my house and then Blue's hand started glowing! She let go of me and now we're here.

Oh, Sweet baby Jesus she did this! She isn't strong enough to be teleporting more than once a day with one person! Never mind twice a day with once being two people. That means she must've passed out. Well, what do I do? I mean I can't freak out because my parents think we were home all night and if I ask them for help we're fucked.

I guess I'll do the most logical thing to do when someone is passed out and get ice cold water.

5 minutes later....

I swear Blue is so stupid sometimes.. She doesn't think before she does. I feel like I need to keep her on a leash and a tight one at that! So here I am standing over my friend with a bucket of ice cold water. You know I could be doing so many better things right now.. But, it will kind of be funny seeing her squirm around because of the cold water.


Ooops maybe I shouldn't have put ice in the water. Good thing my walls are sound proof or else my parents would have my ass for something that's not my fault. Looks like I am a step ahead of the game, just like I like to be.


She needs to quit her whining it's just water. Even though I hate water but she is part werewolf so she likes water. I find it funny how she is screaming at me and all I can think about is the ice cubes in her hair.

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