Wild thoughts

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Emmitt's speech will now be in bold.

Eli is now italics.

Blue stays the same.


.*.*.*.*.Emmits P.O.V..*.*.*

It's early and I can't sleep because I can literally feel Eli's excitment from a mile away ugh. I don't know how many times he is going to ask me if she is up. Holy shit let her sleep! He kept her out all night and I have blocked him from my mind so annoying .

Now that I think about this, this could explain why her mates wolf was going so crazy and why he got mad because he knew there was a risk. The thing that kills me is why didn't his wolf tell him? I mean surely, he could've stopped this..

A real mate would be so afraid to lose what's theirs that they would do anything to keep them. He knew there was a risk in this, that he might not be able to keep her and he coped with that... I do not understand the reasoning behind that. Your mate is supposed to be your entire world and to give them up just like that isn't right.. Maybe he doesn't deserve her.

No Emmit. Stop talking like this, the only reason you're talking like this is because you want them to be mates. I mean do I? She would make him much more pleasant and she's already like one of the family... but she has a family and a whole pack and a mate. Who I don't like but that is what it is. Let's try to be unbiased. She did change who she is I mean.. Still a hybrid, this would be her true form if she wasn't born to a human. The human human made her a were and not a lycan. What if she's supposed to be a werewolf though..? No, because her and Kat were rejecting eachother.

They were so meant to be one soul.

Good morning.

I didn't even hear her.


Yeesh Emmit, you look exhausted.

Someone kept me up talking to me.

She got up, went to the door.opened it, stepped outside and then came back in holding a plant. She crushed up the little berries and used the leaves as a natural tea bag.

Drink this.

I'm not even going to question it.

Mhm this is good, so what do you think of the Alpha?

She sucks in a breath as if to hold something back and then chooses her words very carefully

He's an interesting guy.

Yeah I like Eli, I just don't tell him everything. I like to live my life in solitude and that kinda bothers him that I keep things from him.

Her eyes sparkle but she shows no emotion as I mention his name. Maybe something is a brewing here.

Um I know this might seem a bit awkward but um you've been through a ton and if you want to ummm shower you can.. I could let you use some of my clothes until we find you ones that fit.

She looks at me and laughs

Are you saying I smell Em?

Uh no I didn't mean it like that.

Jeez my cheeks are heating up this is a horrible idea! Why did I think a female could stay with me?

I'm messing with you that would be lovely.

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