Am I dreaming?

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.*.*.---Blues P.O.V.---.*.*.

Why can't I move my body? I feel the presence of people I know but I can't speak to them.

What's happening? I feel like I'm in some kind of nightmare.. I feel so empty so dead. OH MY GOD! IM NOT DEAD AM I ?

No.. No.. I must be dreaming, this is all a terrible dream. I'll just pinch myself and I'll wake up. Wait.. I can't move fuck. So am I really dreaming ?

•holy fuck


•You decide to hear me now

I don't know what you're talking about but I'm glad you're here. What's going on?

• Listen to me and Listen carefully.

It's not like I can do much else -___- what am I going to do run? Oh wait I CANT FUCKING MOVE.

•ha..ha..ha.. Well you see.. When Tyler was dying.. And we healed him.. Haha it's a great story.. We were already weakened from concrete hell room. So we have kinda been in a coma for a couple days... Ha.. Ha..


•I wish I was.. But you're the only one that can wake us up since you're mostly in control of our human part

Well shit... So what's been going on ?

•Devon announced himself as Alpha and you as Luna. He comes in here everyday as checks on us and talks to us then gets kicked out by Maddy so he kisses our forehead and leaves.

Wow.. That's so sweet.

• Whenever Maddy comes she blames herself because Tyler was dying and she wanted him back and if it wasn't for her we wouldn't be in this coma.

Someone needs to tell her not to be so sappy where is the kickass in her?

• oh she's like that too when she comes in here cussing like a sailor telling you to wake the fuck up.. That she didn't risk everything to set you free for her to loose your sorry ass again.

Haha I love Maddy.

•One last thing.


• Our people want their Luna, they all are waiting for you to wake up and oh I forgot to tell you.

Forgot to tell me what?

•until we wake up from this coma we have a special connection with Tyler since we healed him. But as soon as we wake up the connection is gone.

Wow aren't you just the barer of good news?

• I'm not diggin the sarcasm.


• Well I already told Tyler to take us back to the clearing and leave us there.


• I thought maybe if you couldn't get us out of this Coma I could.

By shifting?

• anything is possible

Oh yes anything.. Cause you think soo LOGICALLY.

• well it's too late

WHAT THE FUCK YOU MEAN "it's too late" Are you saying what I think you're saying?

• ha ha


•Surpise! I love youu

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