Chapter 1 : Mr. Mysterious Birla

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It was 6 in the morning and yet the park was still filled with the noises of people jogging, conversing with their jog-partners, soon-to-be mothers for fresh morning air along with elderly ladies and talking jovially or joggers listening to music. Well for music listeners, it wouldn't have counted as 'noises' if some of them had the decency to not sing along to what they're listening. This usually doesn't happen but it was not a usual morning. The rain last night has receded but the glow it brought to the morning was breathtaking. The birds chirping happily on the now washed and greener trees, the cool breeze caressing skin and the smile on people's face at the lovely weather, Mumbai City never looked more beautiful.

To any common person, this sight and environment was as lively as it could be, but for one fine young man, around 25, sweat dripping from his body in such a way that his black hoodie was completely drenched and was sticking to his drool worthy body, as he jogged at a fast pace to reduce the noise around him, it was annoying to another extent. He was used to the calm and tranquil mornings at the park. With only silence and his raging heartbeat as his companion. He should've brought his headphones along but then again, this usually doesn't happen and he had no idea that people would go crazy after a night's rain. Like it rained for God's sakes, the skies didn't shower gold from the above that all of them decided to come and collect it!
Deciding to end his routine jog earlier today, he stopped near a bench and collected his breath. Unbeknown to him, his wet hair, drenched black hoodie that was half open showing his well-built chest and his sharp intake of breaths, caused several breaths around him to escalate. He gave his head a jerk to remove the accessive amount of sweat from it and tipped his head back and took a sip from his water bottle. He heard a sharp intake of breath close-by, rolled his eyes and without paying any further attention to anything else, left the park. He was not oblivious of the effect he had on girls. He just was not interested. This all seemed to be a major waste of time and his time was the MOST important in the world. No one gets to waste it. Nope!
As he arrived home, which deserved to be called a mansion with it's pristine, elegant, black & gold structure, a staff member was already standing with a glass of juice for him which he casually took while responding to his 'Good Morning Sir!' with a nod. Unlike everyday, he took off his joggers in the main hall and welcomed the feel of cool black tiled floor on his feet. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, feeling relaxed in the calm and tranquil environment of his home. He took stairs to his room and entered. His room was the very definition of his persona; mysterious, deep and elegant. It seemed like Black & Gold were his favourite colours as in the center was a king-sized black and gold bed perfectly made, black and gold curtains on the windows. Furniture that screamed 'costly' was present in the room and he didn't even blink twice at the beauty of his room. Instead, taking off his hoodie, he made a beeline for the bathroom to take shower and get ready for office. He walked out in a black bathrobe and went straight to a door on the right side of bed and opened it. It was his walk-in closet. A room just as huge as his bedroom, with walls covered in glass shelves from floor to roof occupying suits, shoes, easterns, westerns, casuals, formals, semi-formals, waist-coats, ties, wrist watches, sunglasses and anything a person would ever want in his closet. Crossing all the suits casually, he went to a shelf and picked out a black suit with grey waist coat along with a matching tie and got dressed. Putting on his watch and shoes he came out of the closet and stood in front of the full length mirror putting his hair to rights then grabbed his phone and left for office.
As he came out, his driver was ready with his car, and Marcus, one of his personal guards and also his assistant, both in professional and personal life, was opening the door for him and he took his seat and Marcus went to the front with the driver and started informing him of his day ahead.

Marcus : Abhimanyu Sir, we've a meeting lined up with Star-catchers sharp at 9 and afterwards there are 3 back-to-back meetings, one of which is the monthly board meeting to keep you updated of the company's progress.

Abhimanyu was not the least bit bothered about today's meetings. He knew the Star-catchers' deal was theirs and the board meeting update was what he knew all too well. That their company was no. 1 in the whole country and no. 4 in the whole wide world with a 100% outcome of it's employees. No, he wasn't thinking about this all. Instead, his mind was occupied by the interviews that were going to take place for new employees like every year. And like every year, the toppers from 20 universities would be interviewed and 10 of them would bag the job at BE.
Cutting off Marcus in mid-sentence, he asked him about the same.

Abhimanyu : Marcus the interviews of 20 toppers, when are they taking place ?

Marcus immediately responded : Tomorrow morning Sir. Neil Sir is all ready to take them and like every year, 10 best candidates would get employed.

And as soon as he finished his sentence, he went out of the car and rushed to open Abhimanyu's car door as they've arrived at Birla Empires.

Abhimanyu stepped out, buttoned his coat and said to Marcus : No! Make them 5.

Perplexed, Marcus asked : Sir ?

Abhimanyu : I said make them 5. Like every year 20 toppers would be interviewed, but unlike every year, only 5 of them are going to work at BE.

Marcus : Duly noted Sir. Everyone would be notified.

Abhimanyu and him were walking towards the gates of BE when Abhimanyu stopped in his tracks and said :

And one more thing Marcus, this year, I am going to take interviews. Personally.

Marcus nodded in affirmation and they both stepped in Birla Empires.


Author's Note : So here we go! The 1st chapter of my first ever story! I hope you guys would like to read it just as much as I enjoyed writing it. Do let me know in the comments.
Also, as a reader, I love reading long chapters so naturally, wrote a long one too but I wanna know if you guys think it's too long to bear then let me know. The future chapters would be accordingly.

P.S. The photos that I'm using in my story are MY OWN EDITS. I'm on Pinterest @sohashaah . Y'all can check if you want to.

I'll be back soon with a 2nd chapter on our female protagonist till then
Happy Reading! ❤️
& Hasta La Vista 😎

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