Chapter 10 : The Conference - Day 1

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After taking medicine, sleep again overtook Akshara and when she next woke up, it was 1 in the afternoon. Taking shower, she got dressed in an all black; black jeans, shirt and blazer, for some ‘unknown’ reasons.

‘Yeah, right!’ - her brain snorted at her.

‘Shut it!’ - she scolded her brain with a flushed face.

Looking at the time, 1:47 PM, she decided to leave for the conference hall. She was still feeling a bit dizzy due to the medicines but decided against skipping the conference.

“No, I'm already lucky that the conference got rescheduled, I can't skip it now. Mr. Birla will think I'm making excuses and besides, he already is being very patient with me. I don't want to push my luck any further.” - she said to herself while moving towards the elevator. But right at that moment, a strong wave of dizziness hit her and she lost her balance. She was falling backwards and tried so hard to hold onto something but she was in a hallway with nothing but an elevator infront, that too at a distance from her. Her eyes closed on their own accord, bracing her for the fall but her back collided with something hard and the hurt she was expecting due to the fall, never came. And then it came, that deep woody and smoky scent, making her realize that she had collided with HIM. She craned her neck slightly and sure enough, she was leaning on his left side, her head coming just below his left shoulder. Taking a deep breath, she looked into his eyes and her breathing hitched.

His face was so close to hers that she could see the dim lights of the hall glinting in his hazel eyes. A fringe or two coming on his forehead were telling her that he hadn't used jel and Akshara had a sudden urge to run her fingers through his hair which looked silky enough to be illegal. He was saying something, his lips were moving, but no voice was reaching her ears. But his moving lips, at least, succeeded in shifting her attention towards them. His lips looked soft, with a natural pinkness to them and she was so close to him that the aroma of espresso was reaching her nostrils, making her intoxicated. She was a cream coffee lover, had never even touched pure espresso, but right at that moment, she wanted to taste it from those lips.

“Ms. Goenka!” - him, shaking her by her shoulders, pulled her out of her inappropriate thoughts and she straightened herself.

“My apologies Sir. I lost my balance and didn't realize you were behind. I -”

“Miss Goenkaaaaa!” - he said cutting out her rant. When she stopped blabbering, he asked gently :

“Are you alright ?”

“Yes. I am now.” - she replied, touched at his gentle tone.

“Are you sure ?” - he asked, indicating towards her latest ‘about-to-fall’ mishap.

“Yes, I am.” - she replied despite feeling the exact opposite and now, not because of the medicine, but because of the sensations running wildly through her due the man standing infront of her.

Entering the elevator, Abhimanyu pressed for the ground floor, where the conference hall was.

“I wanted to thank you Sir.” - she said after a while as the lift was descending.

“For what ?” - he was genuinely clueless.

“For everything you did today. And also wanted to apologize for all the inconvenience I've caused you. I'm really sorry.” - she said facing away from him. She was unable to look at him. She feared if she did, he'd see her flushed face and would know about the effect he had on her.

“Don't be. Health is something that can't be controlled.” - he said simply.

‘Just like your feelings for him.’ - her brain, once again, mocked her and her blush deepened.

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