Chapter 27 : Trouble In Paradise

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Just as Akshara had started to close her eyes, Aryan was roughly dragged away from her and she looked to see 6 to 7 guards holding or more like beating him in the corner.

“Ms. Goenka, are you alright ?” - her head snapped in the voice's direction and she saw Marcus standing in front of her at a respectable distance.

She nodded her head. Too overwhelmed to speak. The relief she was feeling was palpable, thanking the heavens above for saving her.

And now she wanted to get out of that damn bar. She moved forward but misstepped, tripping forward and fell onto...

Arms. Strong arms.

She knew that touch. Knew that woody and smoky fragrance. She knew that warmth.

Taking the support of the arm on her waist at which she had fallen, she straightened up and met eyes with Abhimanyu.

Time seemed to stop. The noise around her faded. She felt like there was no one on earth besides her and Abhimanyu.

She snapped out of her trance when he held her wrist and started dragging her outside at a fast pace that she had to jog to catch up.

The clouds were thundering angrily when they came out and he left her wrist after rounding her to face him. That's when the look in his eyes registered.

He was the angriest she had ever seen him. Breathing heavily, eyes red. Like a volcano about to erupt. He had never looked at her like that. And she knew, tonight she deserved that gaze. And the thing that was shattering her heart into million pieces was the hurt in his eyes. More than angry, he was hurt. His eyes were screaming :

‘Why don't you listen to me ?’

Tears started to fall from her eyes. She had caused that hurt. The soul shattering pain in his eyes was because of her. She was frozen in her place, her feet felt like they had been cemented to the road. She wanted to scream apologies for not listening to him, for not trusting his intuition, for letting herself fall in this mess despite his warnings, for causing him so much pain but her vocal cords just deserted her. As if telling her that you created this mess, now deal with it yourself.


His voice sent chills down her spine. It was the coldest, most angriest tone he had ever used. His gaze was fixed on her. He was not looking anywhere else. Not even blinking. Just staring straight into her eyes.

“Drop Ms. Goenka safely her home.”

And the skies started shedding tears. With full force.

She got drenched in seconds, such was the force of rain. But she didn't care. Her mind was busy registering the fact that for the first time in life, he was getting soaked in rain and didn't move an inch to prevent getting wet.

“Abhi... come on yaar... how come someone doesn't like to get drenched in rain.” - asked Akshara enjoying the rain in his lawn.

“I don't fancy getting soaked from head to toe in water with clothes on, thank you very much.” - replied Abhimanyu, leaning on a pillar under the shelter above the entrace door with a cup of Americano in his hands.

“You are boring! I'll drag you out here. Wait...” - she said marching towards him.

“Don't you dare...” - he said already backing towards the house as he saw her running towards him and made a run for the hall, their sound of laughter echoing all the way.

The flashback felt like a sharp pang on heart as Akshara watched him being indifferent about getting wet.

Marcus was standing with the car door opened, waiting for her to sit but she just couldn't move. Neither her feet, nor her eyes away from Abhimanyu's. She wanted to talk to him, say sorry to him, promise him that she'd listen to his every word from now on, tell him that...

that how much she loves him.

But she knew, he would not like that outside of a bar, standing on the road. And hadn't she just said to herself that she'd listen to his every word ? So how could she oppose it the very next moment by not going home with Marcus as he had instructed ?

Willing herself to move, she went towards the car, not taking her eyes away from him and sat. Marcus started the car and she saw Abhimanyu's face leaving behind as the car moved forward while she watched from the window. When the car took a turn and his face disappeared completely, she turned back and started crying her eyes out.


As soon as Akshara left, Abhimanyu turned towards his guards who were holding a little bit beaten Aryan, and signed with his eyes to take him with them.

They arrived in an isolated under construction building and Abhimanyu dragged Aryan out of the car, throwing him on the floor. Aryan coughed slowly and just as he stood, Abhimanyu grabbed him by his throat and slammed him to the wall.

“Do you have any idea, the girl you just tried to touch, who she is ?” - Abhimanyu's voice was dangerously low, raising goosebumps on Aryan's body in fear.

“DO YOU ???” - he shouted when Aryan just stared in fear, trying to loosen his grip on his throat.

Tightening his grip on his throat he answered himself :

“She is mine... Abhimanyu's Akshara.” - his voice once again dropping dangerously. Throwing Aryan on floor he shouted again :

“SHE. IS. MINE.” - kicking him in the stomach with each word and continued kicking him in the stomach shouting :


His guards had never seen their boss like that. It was downright madness. Aryan was now coughing blood on the floor. The way Abhimanyu was beating him, he was sure to die soon.

“I AM GONNA KILL YOU FOR-” - he was stopped by Marcus arriving just that moment.

“Sir please, he'll die.” - said Marcus trying to stop Abhimanyu from beating Aryan any further. But Abhimanyu was out of his senses, trying to get past Marcus who was standing between him and Aryan to finish that inhuman creature then and there.

“Sir PLEASE! Let me handle this!” and when he saw Abhimanyu had stopped for a bit, he asked other guards to take Aryan away.

Abhimanyu was panting heavily. The anger running through his veins like blood. He just wanted to put everything around on fire.

“Sir, let's get you home... please...” - said Marcus cautiously, his tone concerned for his boss.


Abhimanyu's mind was just thinking the same thing throughout the way and on reaching home.

‘I had asked her to be careful, to stay away from him and she went to a pub where HE was coming!’ - he thought stopping in the hall.

He threw his phone in anger with such force that it hit the fish tank in the wall, shattering the glass and causing the water to scatter everywhere on the floor.

‘She didn't even tell me he would be there.’

He grabbed the table cloth from the dining table causing everything on it to fall down and, if fragile, break.

The pristine and royal hall of Abhimanyu Birla's mansion, looked like a war zone. But he didn't care. His mind, just stuck on one thing and his heart, shattering into million pieces at that...

‘She doesn't understand how I feel...’


Author's Note : And here we go 🤧
The 3rd chapter of the day on huge demand but it's shorter than my usual chapter length guys, as you all know I'm unwell...
So...liked the chapter ? Tell me quickly in comments. I'll try to update soon. Till then,

Happy Reading! ❤️
& Hasta La Vista 😎

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