Chapter 2 : Butterfly

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"And now, I would like to call Yash Mehrotra, to come on stage and receive his degree. Congratulations for the second position."
The host announced followed by loud claps as Yash, a business administration student, proceeded towards the stage.

It was graduation day at University of Delhi. Rows after rows of students were seated with their parents or relatives on their big day, some waiting for their turn and some shedding happy tears at receiving their degrees and expressing their happiness to their loved-ones.

One such student was Akshara Goenka, sitting in the 2nd row just behind the teachers', having an expression on her face that can only be defined as grief. Her almond-shaped, beautiful black eyes were moist with unshed tears. She was not grieving because of the results, No. Far from it actually. She knew she has excelled in her exams. The reason of her grief was the scene around her. Students talking to their parents and expressing whatever they're feeling on such a big day of their life, the proud looks with which the parents were looking at their children sent a sharp pang to Akshara's heart. She couldn't help but think, that if her parents would've felt equally proud of her had they been alive ?
She was just 3 when she lost her parents in a plane crash but even now, today, being 24, as she sits here on her graduation day, she misses them like it was yesterday.
But she would be lying if she said that it was the only reason of her depressed demeanor. What was causing her more distress was the absence of her beloved family that couldn't make it to her Big Day from Mumbai either. Bade Papa and AG had to attend a last-minute important business meeting along with Kairav Bhaiyya. Vansh Bhaiyya's restaurant has just kicked in and he was 24/7 busy there experimenting on new recipes. Mimi was not feeling well and Badi Mumma was taking care of her. And finally her beloved sister, Aru, who promised to be there on her special day, chickened out at the last moment saying that a surprise test has come up on God knows what vein of the brain and she won't be able to come but will make it up to her for sure. So here she was, Akshara Goenka, graduating as topper of Delhi University and no one was there to cheer for her. Not her loved ones at least.
Her chain of thoughts was broken by her name being announced on stage.

"And finally, I would like to call Miss Akshara Goenka, the valedictorian (student with the highest grades) this year, to come up on stage and receive her degree and also give a valedictory (farewell speech by the valedictorian)."
The noise of the claps was deafening. After all, this was Akshara. The witty yet sweet, highly intelligent but down-to-earth, favourite of her professors and liked by everyone Akshara. So naturally, all were happy for her.
With feet feeling heavy, she stood and proceeded towards the stage trying to zone out of all the noise around but the claps continued throughout her journey to the podium. And when she turned around and faced everyone probably to ask them all to be quiet as politely as she could, her eyes widened, tears started to form in her eyes along with a smile on face that was slowly turning into a wide grin.

There in the front was sitting her family. Mimi, Bade Papa, Badi Mumma, Ag, Kairav Bhaiyya, Vansh Bhaiyya and her beloved sister Aru. Mimi was sobbing while Badi Mumma was trying to console her but she herself had tears of joy in her eyes. Bade Papa was looking at her with so much love in his eyes and that proud smile on his face like he had won at life. And maybe he had, thought Akshara as she looked at her grandfather who never failed to fulfill the role of her father and if she was standing there on stage, it was because of his immense love and constant support. AG was stuck between being happy and emotional whereas Kairav Bhaiyya was clapping hard enough to hurt his hands. Vansh Bhaiyya and Aru were the ones hooting 'Humari Akshu Ch'ha gai!' and 'Yeh meri behna!'
She was so overwhelmed by all the happiness that was practically radiating off of her family. She looked up towards the sky and thanked the heavens for blessing her with the best family one could ever wish for! Beaming at them while continuously wiping her tears, she received her degree in Business Administration as the topper among the loud cheers of her family, professors and friends.
After the valedictory, she ran down the stage towards her family but she was halfway done when she was engulfed in a bear hug by none other than her enthusiastic sister Aru, who was just so happy for Akshara that she was practically bouncing on her feet.

"Akshuuuuuuu! You did it! I'm SO happy for you and even prouder of you!" - exclaimed Arohi with moist eyes and a smile so big on her face that she was in danger of her face splitting in half.
Akshu hugged her tighter and on breaking apart, wiped the tears off of her sister's face. Before anyone had a chance to say or do anything else, Akshu yelped as she was sweeped off her feet and looked down to see both her brothers, Kairav and Vansh Bhaiyya, were carrying her on their shoulders while appraising her. She laughed at their enthusiasm and demanded to be put down. She went towards the elders took their blessings, finally turned to Bade Papa, who was still looking at her with that 'Won At Life' look and hugged him tight. And the dam broke as she started sobbing on his chest like a kid and he was consoling her like he had since... since FOREVER!

"I thought, y'all are busy and won't be coming today." - said Akshu still sobbing in Bade Papa's embrace.

"You thought we'd miss your Big Day ? OUR AKSHU'S GRADUATION DAY ? Really ? Don't you know your family ? Your Bade Papa ?" - Teased Bade Papa gently while softly wiping tears from her cheeks.
Akshu was looking at him with big, innocent eyes that gave a strong sense of nostalgia to Manish as he remembered her childhood where she used to do the same to convince her Bade Papa for cookies, icecreams and chocolates and it always worked, despite being worried about her dental health, those big, doe eyes of his daughter were enough to shatter his resolve that was always next to nothing infront of her. He suddenly laughed at Akshu and said :
"You know Akshu, you still are 4 at heart!" He said fondly and added :
"And I wouldn't have it anyother way!" - He softly planted a kiss on his granddaughter's forehead while the remaining family looked at them with moist eyes. Composing themselves, they all headed towards the cars. On their way they all were planning to stop by and have icecream of Akshu's choice as little celebration until they reach home and celebrate it the Goenka Way, that is, the grand way!
"I think Akshu wants to eat mint in chocolate icecream this time." - said Kairav teasing Akshu, fully knowing that she hates mint in general let alone have it in her favourite chocolate icecream.
"EWW! Mint ? That too in chocolate icecream ? No chance!" - exclaimed Akshu shuddering at the thought of mint mixed with her beloved icecream.
"Just you wait, there are so many pranks I've lined up for you Akshu for the last 4 years. It's time for action!" - Joined Arohi in the teasing of Akshu.
"Aur nahi to kya, beta sare hisaab honge, tu bas ghar chal!" - Said Kairav fake threatening her while Aru and Vansh Bhaiyya high-fived.
But Akshu was zoned out. Her mind and heart had stuck at the word 'GHAR'.


She was going home. After 4 years, having the best grades in her hands, she was going home. She was going to Mumbai. Where her final destination was.

Birla Empires.


Author's Note : So how was the introductory chapter of our female protagonist and Goenka Family ? Hope you guys liked it.
I'm starting to write the third chapter until y'all read this and DO tell in the comments guys!

Happy Reading! ❤️
& Hasta La Vista 😎

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