Chapter 5 : The Interview

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Abhimanyu Birla was frustrated. And he was frustrated to no end. It was the 16th candidate sitting in front of him repeating the same rattaficated answer when asked ‘Why they want to be at BE ?’ He closed the file with a bang and said :

“You can leave.”

The interviewee tried to convince him but one raised brow of Abhimanyu was enough to indicate that he was done and the interviewee left dejectedly.

His phone rang and he looked to see that it was Neil. He picked it up in anger.

“These are the toppers Neil ? I swear if one more, ONE MORE CANDIDATE, with monotonous answers, I'm cancelling the interviews and BE won't be hiring employees this year.”

Just then he felt a presence in his office and braced himself for another ‘book smart’ candidate.


Upon entering the cabin, the first sight that met Akshara rooted her to her spot. It was the CEO talking on phone, his right profile facing her. She'd seen his photos, videos, taking awards, doing charities, headlines in the papers every other day as ‘The most eligible bachelor of India’ but right now, looking at him in person, she was thinking to file a petition against all the cameras that JUST couldn't justify the charming and handsome personality of the man infront of her.

She was transfixed. The interview, the nervousness, the anxiety, everything else fled from her mind. Was it even possible for a man to be THIS good looking ? She was just thinking that when he turned around and their eyes met.

Her breathing hitched.

There was such an intensity in his hazel eyes that Akshara thought he was looking straight into her soul. Her heart was beating a mile a minute. It was unbearable. She tried so hard to take her eyes off of him but just couldn't. Taking a step forward without even looking, she didn't realize her tripping and fell. Flat on her face.

‘NO! NO! NO! Fate can't be this cruel to me. That's not how I was supposed to make my first impression. NO! I'm going to lose this job. Who'd hire a person who can't even walk straight ?’ - Thought Akshara to herself in a matter of seconds while she fell. But it seemed that fate really can't be that cruel to her because at that moment she felt liquid touching her left ankle and realized that it was water on the floor. Not enough to cause a fall but enough for her as an excuse of tripping. Deciding on this strategy she started to get up and saw two hands outstretched infront of her. She looked up and their eyes met again. She placed her hands in his and felt a spark shoot throughout her body. Those hands, that were gentle yet firm at the same time, pulled her up with a force and made her stand straight on her feet.

Akshara may have kept looking into those intense hazel eyes but the annoyed look on his handsome face broke her reverie and she realized that she was here for an interview, had fell flat on her face and was about to loose the chance to even get interviewed all thanks to her clumsiness. Her anxiety increased and she quickly said :

“I'm sorry. I didn't realize there was water on the floor.”

Upon hearing this, Abhimanyu's demeanor changed. He looked down towards her feet and sure enough there was water on the floor. His demeanor changed once again and this time, in anger, he went to his table and called someone to his cabin.

Just then a girl, looking around 26 or 27, entered.

“Miss Lana what is this ?” - Inquired Abhimanyu angrily pointing towards the floor.

The girl, lana, looked down and dread filled her features.

“I'm so sorry Sir. I didn't know -”

“Exactly my point Miss Lana. YOU didn't know about YOUR job. It's quite worrisome isn't it ?” - Said Abhimanyu in a cold voice that sent chills down Akshara's spine.

“Sir I -” she tried to recover the damage but was once again interrupted.

“The termination letter would be on your table shortly.” Said Abhimanyu dismissively and it was evident that arguing with him more would be of no use.

After this debacle, Abhimanyu took his seat and Akshara hers, finally, to give interview.

Going through her file casually, he asked :

“So Miss Goenka, why Birla Empires ?”

“Because the best wants the best.” - Replied Akshara regaining her confidence.

Hearing this he looked up from the file, surprised. The first candidate answering his question without copied lines from books or articles.


“Go on.” - He said to her while closing the file and leaned back in his seat.

“I want to be here because BE is the place that matches my passion. Where I believe, I can find the chances and opportunities that I deserve. Where I'm sure, I'd get 100% on giving 100%.” - Replied Akshara genuinely.

Abhimanyu was looking at her intently. There was a spark in her eyes while talking about her dreams. A liveliness. A passion.
She was the first person who had not hesitated in declaring herself best infront of him. And that's what he was looking for. For a person to know his worth. Because if his employees won't believe that they're the best, then how'd they work to make the company best ? She was also the first candidate who had not complained about being ‘unfair’ at the last minute changes in the employment system.

“What do you think about the last minute changes in the employment system this year at BE ?” - He wanted to know.

“I think it was a psychological trick for the candidates to test their self-esteem. To see if they're doubting their worth to be good enough to be among those 5 or not.” - Akshara replied calmly.


Abhimanyu couldn't recall a time in his life where he was impressed by anyone. EVER. But this girl, sitting in front of him, describing the depths of his strategy, has impressed him. This was what he wanted. Thinking out of the box, out of the books. Street smartness along with book smartness. This was ‘The Best’ he was looking for.


Akshara was getting nervous under his intense gaze. Before she could ask that whether her interview was over, Abhimanyu picked up his phone and started talking to someone giving instructions that she couldn't understand. Barely five minutes later, a man entered the cabin, who looked more like a bodyguard than an employee, and handed over an envelope to Abhimanyu.

“You may leave Marcus.” - Abhimanyu dismissed.

Akshara was not understanding what was happening around her but her confusion didn't last longer as Abhimanyu placed the envelope infront of her and said :

“Your appointment letter Ms. Goenka.”

Akshara couldn't believe her ears. Had she heard it right ? Her appointment letter ? AT BE ? Like THAT ? Without the “We'll contact you shortly” formalities ? She was dreaming. For sure. But the way Abhimanyu raised a single brow at her silence made her realize that NO, she wasn't dreaming.

“Sir ?” - It was the only word that she was able to utter.

Ignoring her disbelief, he further added :

“You'll get an official mail also. Joining from Monday would be appreciated and one more thing Ms. Goenka, I like those who value time.”

This was really happening. Thought Akshara. She did it! She was appointed at Birla Empires. By the CEO HIMSELF! She wanted to scream, she wanted to dance, she wanted to turn everything around her upside down in joy and ecstasy but maintaining a calm upfront infront of her boss - HER BOSS! - she gracefully stood from her seat. And to her surprise, he as well.

“Welcome to Birla Empires.” - said Abhimanyu forwarding his hand.

Once again, looking into his intense eyes, she subconsciously placed her hand in his and once again her hand was engulfed in the warmth that was becoming familiar to her.


Author's Note : So what do you guyz think ? How was their first meet ? Do tell me in the comments. Will be back with another chapter shortly. Till then,

Happy Reading! ❤️
& Hasta La Vista 😎

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