Chapter 14 : Acceptance...but it hurts!

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Her family was gathered in the hall for evening tea, when Akshara reached home that evening. Wiping any signs of tears from her cheeks and eyes, she made herself presentable and plastering a smile on face, stepped inside.

“Look. Akshu also came.” - said Kairav as he spotted Akshara coming.

“Is it possible that we have chocolate cake in snacks and she won't come ?” - teased Bade Papa smilingly, fully knowing that chocolate cake was her favourite. She smiled at him, desperately trying to stop the tears that were freshly forming in her eyes. Putting on a very cheery upfront, she took a seat on sofa, next to Bade Papa.

“Of course. You thought I wouldn't know ? I can sense Badi Mumma's handmade chocolate cake from anywhere in the world.” - she said cheerfully, way too cheerfully, and placing a slice of cake on her plate, started eating.

Bade Papa was looking at her intently. How could it be possible that there was something amiss in his favourite child's behaviour and he wouldn't sense it.

“Akshu!” - he adressed her gently. “Are you okay bete ?”

And just like that her vision got blurred due to tears once again. Trying everything in her power to not let them fall, she turned to Bade Papa with that same cheery smile.

“Of course Bade Papa. Why wouldn't I be ?” - saying this, she turned towards her plate again and took another bite of cake.

“Your eyes look tired bach'cha...” - he said placing a hand on her head, his tone laced with concern and unconditional love. And it was forcing her to just drop the facade, hug Bade Papa tightly and cry her eyes out! But she refrained. Instead, turning to Bade Papa, she replied :

“Actually, I didn't sleep properly last night, and woke up early too. Then the hectic day at office. That's why maybe looking tired and all.”

“Akshuuu, I know you're loving your job but take care of yourself too na.” - he gently reprimanded her, pulling her in a side hug that she reciprocated desperately clutching his shirt. Her vision once again got blurry and she feared she won't be able to stop the tears this time. Pulling apart, she stood and said :

“You're right. I should take care of myself. That's why I'm gonna sleep now. Feeling exhausted.” and quickly made her way towards her room, not noticing the worried glance of her family.

As soon as she reached her room, all her energy gave up and she fell on her knees. The tears started to fall at a rapid pace and the pain she was feeling was indescribable. She felt like her heart was ripping in two. Like all the oxygen from earth had been snatched away, leaving her gasping for breath. Like she was falling in a well that had no end to it.

She herself was unable to understand that how, in a span of JUST ONE WEEK, she had fallen THIS hard for him. THIS in love with him. It was so cruel, so unfair.

After crying for an hour, she stood up, making a futile attempt of wiping her tears which just kept flowing.

“Fine. If it's going to be like this. Fine!” - she said to herself.

“If we're going to pretend that we're just boss and employee. Fine!”

“If we're going to pretend that we weren't about to...” she stopped at the memory of them being just half an inch away from kissing. “Fine...” - she whispered with freshly flowing tears.

“If God decided to include my love in the category of ‘unrequited’. Fine!”

“If that's how it's gonna be. So be it!” - saying this to herself, she started preparing for bed.

The week went like that. With Akshara adapting a routine of waking up, going to office, attending meetings with HIM when she was needed, trying very hard to keep her feelings for him in check and failing, returning home, sleep and repeat. Nothing had changed. If Akshara thought that in time, her heart would accept it than she was disappointed. She had come to terms with the fact that her love was one-sided. She had accepted that. But accepting that didn't mean it hurt any less. Infact, with each passing day, being in such close proximity to him, her feelings deepened and so does the pain. She had now a profound respect for one-sided lovers.

“Hey guys, the pictures of The Closure Party are here. Come let's see.” It was lunch time and Akshara was sitting in the cafeteria with her colleagues, lost in her thoughts, when Sara came to them in an excited state, two photo albums in her hands. Everyone opened one album and started going through the pictures and passing comments time to time, while Akshara, not in a mood to mingle, picked up the other and started going through it casually. Her hand froze at the fourth turn.

It was a photo of her and Abhimanyu

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It was a photo of her and Abhimanyu. Dancing on the floor. Her love for him was clear as a day, even through the picture, by the way she was looking at him. Despite her mind warning against it, she pulled that photo out and kept in her purse. She knew it'd hurt looking at the picture but it was also a reminder of the best time of her life. She'd cherish those 2 days forever. Even if shortlived, she got to spend time with him so closely. It was a bittersweet thing.

She turned the page and her breathing stopped.

She turned the page and her breathing stopped

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It was a picture of Abhimanyu himself. She traced her fingers on his photo, feeling her eyes getting moist. As always, he was looking so handsome. And the angle, with which the photo had been taken was perfect. But in the photograph, he was smiling softly looking ahead, the same smile he had graced her with when she had agreed for the dinner and she wondered, at whom he's looking like that ? Once again, against her better judgement, she pulled it out and kept in her purse.

“...I know right. He's winning it for the last 3 years.” - these words by Aryan caught her attention.

“He's gonna win this year too. I mean BE has been the company with 100% outcome once again this year, so why not!” - said Martha. Akshara had an inkling that they were talking about Abhimanyu and the Business Awards, that were happening that night, which he had been winning for 3 years in a row and was nominated this year again.

“You bet! Entrepreneur of this year too is non other than Abhimanyu Sir. He's the best!” - Sara said, her voice confident. “Don't you think Akshara ?” - she added turning to Akshara.

“I do.” - Akshara replied calmly.

Who'd know more than HER, that he was the best. He had succeeded in stealing her heart in just one week.

“He really is the best.” - she completed, taking a sip of coffee, which, like her situation, was also bittersweet.


Author's Note : Ah! Quite an angsty chapter, isn't it ? 🤧
Let me know your views in the comments.
Until I'm back with another chapter,

Happy Reading! ❤️
& Hasta La Vista 😎

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