Chapter 11 : The Conference - Day 2

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The weather of Delhi today was going to be partly cloudy as Abhimanyu watched the morning skies getting blurred by the passing clouds time to time as he jogged in a park near the hotel. With his earphones perfectly plugged, blocking the noise of his surroundings, he was listening to the noise of his mind who was screaming just one thing nowadays;

Akshara Goenka.

It was a miracle that he had gotten any sleep last night, even for a couple of hours, after the time he spent with her. Throughout the dinner, he was having a hard time in keeping his eyes off of her. That's why he had started a conversation, so that looking at her would feel natural. But the most crazy moment, according to him, was when they'd stopped by their rooms. Only he knew how he'd stopped himself from grabbing her by the waist, pressing her against the wall and kissing the living daylights out of her.

What the hell was wrong with him ?

He'd never behaved this bizarre before. From school to college to University and then to various parts of the world for business purposes, no girl had succeeded in grabbing his attention. EVER. But after meeting HER, his life had turned upside down and it was making him frustrated.

‘I'm attracted towards her.’ - it was the fact he had discovered and accepted long ago. But the thing disturbing him was the fierce protectiveness he feels for her, his possessive behaviour when her attention would shift elsewhere other than him, losing his temper instantly when someone else touches her, even if it's just a handshake.

‘She's driving me insane!’ - thinking that to himself, he ended his jog and made his way back to the hotel.

A twinkling laugh reached his ears as soon as he entered the lobby. Fully knowing of whom it was, he turned in the direction of the sound. There she was, sitting on the sofas with her colleagues, a cup of, probably coffee, in her hands, laughing so hard on something that she had turned red. Leaning against the entrance wall of the lobby, Abhimanyu stood there and just watched. With a smile on his face. He couldn't help it, her happiness was contagious. His smile turned into a frown when he saw a guy, the same one who shook hands with her that day, leaned towards her, said something and she got lost in another wave of laughter. He pulled out his phone and dialed a number. The call was received even before the 1st ring was completed. He said :



Akshara's cheeks were hurting. She'd laughed so hard but it was not her fault. Her colleagues were so friendly and fun loving. Specially Aryan. She had to admit, that guy cracked the funniest jokes ever. Trying to get her breathing under control, she looked at the time.

7:01 AM

Turning to her colleagues, she said :

“Guys, I think we should head to our rooms to get ready for the conference. Unlike yesterday, it's gonna be start by 8.”

“It would've started by 8 yesterday too but Abhimanyu Sir got it rescheduled in the afternoon. Sad it's not gonna happen today” - said Martha, one of her colleagues.

“He got it rescheduled ?” - Akshara asked, confused.

“Yup. Didn't you hear ? Some Business Associates created a fuss over it also. Saying how the management here is being partial for Abhimanyu Sir and changing timings as per his likings.” Martha explained further.

“But can someone really do that ? Changing conference timings ? - she asked

“I don't know about ‘someone’ but when you're THE Abhimanyu Birla, you can. I mean look at him, everybody wants to be in his good books. He wished he wanted the conference in afternoon, and it happened.” - Martha said casually. “But the strange thing is, he had never done this before. You know, using his name and changing the timings as per his wishes. It was for the first time he did something like that.” - she added looking thoughtful.

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