Chapter 3 : Birla Empires & New Beginnings

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A person would have to crane his neck back to have a full look at the pristine and lavish building of Birla Empires. The 40-floored building covered in laminated glass, reflecting other buildings and clouds from the outside was definitely screaming 'class' & 'business'. But BE was not no. 1 because of it's architectural beauties, No. It was the hard-work, sincerity and passion of 30 thousand employees working in various departments of BE that made BE the best in the country. And of course, the hard-work and passion of their boss who had just stepped into the building in the wake of 'Good Morning Sir!'

Abhimanyu nodded at the greetings without looking and kept moving towards the elevator, Marcus in his wake. They both entered and Marcus pressed for 40th floor, Abhimanyu's office, but just as the door was about to close, a guy entered, looking around 24, holding his knees while trying to calm his irregular breathing.

"Neil! How many times I've asked you to NOT barge into elevators and offices like that ?" - Said Abhimanyu annoyed looking at his younger brother who was still trying to regulate his breathing.

"Uh... let me think, it's the 100th time ?" - asked Neil acting innocent but immediately straightened under the glare of his brother.

"I know, I know. I'm Sorry! But the notification I just received, I couldn't control." - Neil justified

Abhimanyu raised a single brow in askance like 'What is it ?' Neil cleared his throat in a dramatic manner and said :

"You're personally going to take interviews this year of the toppers ? Are you alright Bro ?" - Saying this he touched Abhimanyu's forehead looking for any sign of a fever or something and again received a glare from his brother.

"No, I mean every year you say that you don't have time to sit and listen to the rants of newbies that how beneficial they'd be for the company bla bla blu blu. So what happened ?" - asked Neil

The lift dinged indicating that they've reached level 40. The trio stepped out where Marcus went to his cabin while Abhimanyu and Neil, passing by the line of workers and receptionists solely for his matters, went straight towards Abhimanyu's cabin. He took his seat while Neil made himself feel at home on the the nearby sofa and asked his brother again :

"So what changed ? I've also been notified that instead of 10, we're going to hire 5 this year. Why last minute changes ?"

"Nothing. Just that the competition is rising everyday and we should compete just as much. That's when we're going to get the best. And you know it. I. WANT. THE. BEST." - Said Abhimanyu with a voice filled with power and authority.

"I agree. But don't you think notifying the interviewees a day before the interview would be a bit unfair ?" - Neil asked

"Not my headache. If they think it's unfair then they're free to apply elsewhere aren't they ?" - Said Abhimanyu casually.

Both Abhimanyu and Neil knew that it was a rhetorical question. Because BE was the company that took 1st interviews every year just after graduations. Some companies take interviews before results on condition of good grades while the rest take after a week or month according to their system. But just 'good grades' were not upto Abhimanyu's standards. So BE take interviews of 20 toppers from 20 different universities around the world and hires the best 10 of them. And despite having so many other options and BE having such tough criteria, toppers die to be at BE and honestly who could blame them ?

Both Neil and Abhimanyu smiled at each other thinking the same thing and just as Neil thought that his brother was in a bit calm mood today and was about to ask for coffee, Abhimanyu raised his eyebrows at Neil.

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