"Did you guys see that they're shutting the campus power off later?" My best friend, Levi Alexander asks.
"Yeah, what's up with that?" I ask, untying my cleat laces.
"I don't know. Something about reinstalling something." My other best friend, Lincoln Gael says, pulling off his practice jersey.
"Did they say how long?" I ask.
"I don't know. I didn't read the email I just saw the headline part." Levi says and I chuckle.
"Have you read an email, once in your entire life?" I ask and he looks up in contemplation.
"I don't think so." He says and I shake my head, chuckling.
"You guys wanna go get drinks tonight?" Lincoln asks as I tug my soaking wet jersey off.
"I'm not feeling it." I say and both their heads snap towards me.
"Are you feeling okay?" Levi asks, placing his hand against my forehead. "Are you running a fever?"
"Jesus, what are you, my mother?" I ask, shoving his hand off. "No, I'm just exhausted. This week has kicked my ass." I say, slipping on a pair of athletic shorts.
"It has been oddly rough. I don't know why." Lincoln adds, shrugging his shoulders as I slide my shirt over my head.
"I need to go shower." I groan, shaking my soaking wet hair. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." I say, swinging my locker door shut.
My phone starts ringing as I walk towards my truck.
"Asher. I'm done, already." My sister, Aspen's voice comes through the speaker of my phone.
"I take it practice was good." I say, my tone laced with sarcasm.
"They're all sexist motherfuckers." She says, sighing aggressively.
"That bad?"
"Fucking Bryson Elliot." She says through gritted teeth.
"You knew he was a dick." I say, pulling out of the parking lot.
"Yeah, I just didn't think he'd be that bad."
"Look, you're just gonna have to earn their respect. Like you did here."
"I shouldn't have to just because I'm a woman, Asher." She sighs.
"I'm not saying it's right, Sis. It's just how it is. It sucks, I know." I say and she grunts.
"Why must you always be right?"
"I have our mother's genetics." I say, a cheeky grin on my face.
She snorts, "Whatever helps you sleep at night."
"Hey, I have to go. My phone is about to die and they're shutting the power off in like twenty minutes. I'll call you back later."
"Okay. Wait why-"
My phone dying cuts her off as I sigh.
I walk into my apartment, tossing my keys on the counter.
I quickly walk into my room, flipping the light on and plugging my phone in before hopping into the shower.
I was in the middle of rinsing conditioner out of my hair when the lights flickered out.

In Intimate Desire[UNEDITED]
RomanceCollege baseball star, Asher Rhodes, knows better than to fall for Amara Taylor, the shy Latina girl that he had a class with last semester. But, when push comes to shove and they're stuck living in apartment buildings right next to each other for t...