Chapter 21

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"Hi!" Annie says, looking up at Amara with a grin on her face.

"Hi." Amara says back, smiling down at her.

"I'm going to hug you now." Annie says and Amara chuckles, squatting down.

"Okay." She says before Annie wraps her arms around her neck.

"You smell good." Annie says and Amara chuckles, wrapping her arms around Annie.

"Thank you." Amara says, looking up at me with a smile.

"Alright, come on." I say, opening the back, driver's side door and putting the carseat in.

"Did you know, we have a bee hive in our tree?" Annie asks as I buckle her in.

"Really? Which one?"

"The one out front, with the swing." She says and I nod.

"Oh, cool."

"So, Annie. I hear, you have a boyfriend." Amara says, turning around in the passenger seat to look at her.

I grumble, interlacing Amara's fingers with mine.

"Yeah. He kissed me."

"He what?!" I ask, turning around in my seat to look at her.

"Just on the cheek!" She says, giggling.

"There will be no more kissing. Ever." I say, turning back around and buckling my seat belt.

"Calm down, Bubby. He's cute."

Amara stifles a laugh.

"Does dad know?"

"Mommy does." She says.

"But, does dad?"

"No... Addy said he'd have a heart attack so, I shouldn't tell him." She says, looking out the window.

"She's not wrong. But, still. No more kissing. No hugging. Don't even look at him anymore." I say and Amara chuckles.

"Well, you kissed Amara!" She says.

"I am a grown up. You are six." I say, looking at her through the rear view mirror.

"But, I switched carseats." She says, looking at me through the mirror.

"How about this. When you no longer need a carseat, then you can look at a boyfriend. When you can sit in the front seat, you can hug your boyfriend. And when you learn how to drive you can kiss your boyfriend. Sound like a deal?"

I look over at Amara to see her grinning.

"Fine." Annie says.

"Great. Disney music?"

"Yes!" Annie exclaims as Amara pulls her phone out.

Annie sings along to the songs that play as I look over at Amara to see her mouthing the lyrics.


"Hmm?" She hums, looking up from her phone.

"You have anymore popcorn?" I ask and she bites back a smile.

"No. I'm all out." She frowns, typing away quickly.

"We can go get some tomorrow." I say and she smiles before her brows furrow. "What's wrong?"

"My Abuela won't stop posting politics on Facebook. It's starting to piss me off." She says, locking her phone and putting it in the cupholder.

"The grandmothers have taken over Facebook." I say and she chuckles.

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