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3 months later...

"Mamá, make it stop. It hurts." I cry out, crushing my mother and Greyson's hand with my own.

"Mara, you have to take deep breaths. Breathe Mija, breathe."

"I am breathing.", I grip both hands I'm holding tighter as another contraction passes.

"He just called. He's on his way.", Evelyn says, walking through the hospital room door.

Greyson wipes my tear stained cheeks with his hand. "What if he doesn't make it?" My voice cracks, filled with worry.

"He will Mara. He'd never miss this." Greyson squeezes my hand reassuringly.

"Mara!" Annie climbs onto the hospital bed.

"Hey!" I say, wrapping an arm around her.

"Bubby will be here soon. He promises." Annie says with a confident nod.

I pat her arm, "I know."

I wanted to believe he would but, part of me didn't. It's not him I don't believe in. You never know what could happen, something could be wrong with the plane, or there could be traffic, or something else... No, I can't think like that, he's fine. Right?

"He'll be here, Mija."

It's not his fault he's not here. I'm a week early. He didn't even want to go to an away game this close my due date and I forced him to.

I lean my head back against the pillow, "It's my fault if he's not. He didn't want to go, and I made him."

"Amara honey," Evelyn's hand replaces Greyson's on my own, "You can't blame yourself for this. Labor is unexpected. When I had Asher, I was over a week past my due date."

My voice strains as tears fill my eyes, "Exactly. Thats why he wanted to stay, because it's unexpected. I forced him to go. And now, if he misses it. He'll blame himself even though it's my fault."

Greyson strokes the top of my head, "It's nobody's fault. He's going to be here."

"Papá is on his way, he should be here within the next hour." Mamá says and I nod.

"We'll leave you guys alone for a little bit." Greyson says, pulling Annie off the bed.

Evelyn goes to remove her hand from my grasp as she takes a step back but I squeeze her hand, "Will you stay?"

A small smile appears on Evelyn's face and she nods without hesitation, tears forming in her eyes, "Of course."

Evelyn has become a second mother to me over the past two years. One night, back when Asher and I were engaged. The Hollywood Scoop had written an article solely about me. Let me rephrase that, Carmen Hugh, wrote it. She tried to say that I was a gold digging immigrant out for Asher's money and taking it back to Colombia without paying American taxes.

We had been visiting Asher's family for Adelaide's first time playing golf after the accident. I ended up breaking down about the article in front of Evelyn while it was just her and I. Our bond become extremely tighter after that night.

Another hour goes by with no Asher. No call. No text. Nothing.

"He's probably still on the plane, that's why." Mamá reassures, stroking my hair.

The door opens and my head snaps towards it, only for my stomach to drop. Aspen. "Hey.. Still nothing?" She asks and I shake my head. Adelaide comes walking in behind her, a sympathetic smile on her face.

In Intimate Desire[UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now