Chapter 34

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"Hey baby." Asher lays back on my bed.

"How is she?" I run my fingers through his damp curly hair.

"She walked with assistance today."

I smile, "She did? That's awesome!"

It's been a little over a month since Adelaide's accident. Asher's been going back to Miami every weekend to visit, some times during the week too. I go sometimes but, not every time. It doesn't matter how many times Asher or his family encourages me to come, I feel like I'm intruding on serious family time.

Even if he and Evelyn tell me I'm part of the family.

"Talk to me baby." Asher whispers, pulling the duvet up to his hips.

I chuckle, placing my phone on the wireless charger.

"Lay with me too."

I scoot down and roll onto my side, facing Asher. I bring my hand up, stroking his cheek until I lace my fingers in his hair.

I continuously play with his curls as he closes his eyes and I begin talking, "Ella va a estar bien, bebe."

Apparently he loves it when I talk to him in Spanish, especially when he's trying to go to sleep. He claims it calms and comforts him.

"Dios sabe lo que está haciendo con ella. Y ella va a estar bien.", I let out a heavy breath, watching the muscles in his face relax, "Vete a dormir, mi amor. Estaré aquí cuando te despiertes."


I softly smile, "Promesa."

Just when I thought Asher was asleep, he speaks up again, "Amara."


"I'm scared."

I open my eyes to see Asher already looking at me, "About?"

"A lot of things."

"Do you want to tell me some of them?" I ask and he nods.

"Okay." I whisper, moving to turn on the light but Asher's hand grabs mine.

"Leave it off. I like it off."

I nod, laying back down, my hand finding it's way to Asher's waist. I let my finger lightly trace circles on his skin and he exhales a deep breath.

"I'm scared about us.", Asher admits.

My brows knit together, "Why?"

"We still have another year here but, I'm going to LA after I graduate and, I'm scared you're not gonna come with me."


Asher's arms hooks around my waist, "No. This happens all the time in relationships. I can't expect you to just leave your whole family and your friends and move for me."

I sit up, turning on the lamp beside me, "Asher. You said it yourself, I'm your family, and you're mine. So, if that means moving to LA, and watch you live out your dream with me right beside you... Then you sure as hell better be looking for me front and center in the stands at every game because, I'll be there. And I'll be cheering the loudest."

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