Chapter 2. The Good Latina, Catholic Daughter

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"I know Mamá." I breathe out, tapping my pencil against the edge of my desk.

"¿Volverás a casa cuando Valeria tenga la bebé?" My Mamí asks for the hundredth time this year.

"Sí Mamá." I say, grabbing the lighter from the left, top drawer of my desk.

"Bueno, bueno." She says as I light a new candle I've been waiting to burn. "¿Qué estás haciendo?"

"Lighting a candle..." I say quietly.

"Habla, Amara. No puedo entenderte cuando murmuras."

I sigh, "Estaba encendiendo una vela, Madre."

"Do not, "Madre" me. I am your Mother, I get to ask these things."

"Sí Mamá, pero también tengo que vivir un poco." I say, leaning forward to open my blinds. I lean forward on my elbows, staring at the small flickering flame.

"Si tu puedes. Pero, eso no significa que no pueda controlarte, Querida."

"I know, Mamá. It's just a candle."

"Cosas malditas." She mumbles and I chuckle.

Movement coming from a window across from me catches my eye. I look up to see Asher Rhodes sitting on his bed, clad in a baseball uniform, typing away on his phone.

He cracks a small smile, shaking his head laughing before he brings his phone up to his ear.

"What Mamá?" I ask, nervously biting down on my nail.

"Are you listening to me, Amara? Te pregunté cómo te fue en tu examen."

"Oh, bueno, Mamá." I say before my eyes lock with Ashers.

His lips tilt up into a smirk before I see him grabbing something.

I look down, a blush covering my cheeks as I try to tune my mother in.

"Mamá, I should go. I have homework."

"Oh.. Yeah, you should do that. I'll have your Papá call later."

"Okay Mamá, te amo."

"Te amo, Querida."

I steal a glance up to see Asher has stuck a piece of paper to the window as he sits on his bed, his focus on the floor as he talks on his phone.

I grin, reading the paper.

Do you always stare at guys to get their attention?

I quickly grab a piece of paper and the thick permanent marker. I grab a piece of tape, sticking the sign to the window.

And I didn't even have to take my shirt off

I reach over, pressing play on my music that I had playing before Mamá called.

I hear the front door shut and I frantically shoot up to my feet, pulling the blinds down the same time my best friend, Remington Matthews walks through my bedroom door, two Starbucks cups in hand a two small bags with pastry items in them.

"What are you doing?" She asks, her light brows knitted together.

"I.. Uh, nothing." I say, scratching the back of my head.

"Mhm." She hums, a skeptical look on her face.

"There better be a cake pop in there." I say, quickly changing the subject.

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