Chapter 31

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"Hey, baseball. You ever had a Mexican candy shot?" Benjamín asks, leaning on the counter.

"Yeah. Once." I say as the bartender sets another beer in front of me.

"Damn. Bummer." He says.

"So, Asher. Let's talk." Jesús's voice catches my attention.

I turn to see all four brother are surrounding me.

"Okay.." I say, leaning against the counter.

"What are your intentions with Mara?" Julián asks.

"Uh... To date her?"

"What about in the future? Marriage? Kids? Grandkids?" Camilo interrogates.

"Uh, marriage: definitely. Kids: for sure, but not for awhile."

"Why not?" Benjamín asks.

"Cause I'm 22 and in college.."

"Oh yeah, I forget there's an age gap sometimes." He says, awkwardly chuckling.

"Anyways. I'm not thinking about grandkids anytime soon... Are you?" I ask and Camilo's eyes widen.

"God no. I have three year old."

"I don't have any." I say and he nods.

"Good answers." Jesús says, patting my shoulder. "Now, do we need to have a safe sex talk?"

"Please don't." I say, my eyes widen.

Jesús laughs, "Calm down man. That'd be weird, we're just messing with you. Amara would kill us if we were being serious about any of this."

"I mean, we're serious about your intentions with her. She's our only sister, and she's had a rough time with guys."

"I get it. I have three sisters."

"Good. Now, what are your intentions with her, really?" Julián asks, taking a sip of his beer.

"I'm not quite sure how you want me to answer."

"Easy. Do you love her?" Jesús asks as my gaze bounces back and forth between each brother as they talk.


"No hesitation, I like it. Have you told her?"

"Yep." I say, taking my own sip of beer.

"Good. Prove it to us." Benjamín states.


"Don't break her heart." Camilo says sternly.

"Couldn't even think about doing that." I say and they all smile.

"Like I said, prove it."

"Will do."

"Abuela! Quit following me. I'm not going to tell you if I'm having sex or not." Remington yells as her Amara come walking towards us.

"Why not? You're young and in love. You're supposed to gossip about these things!" Alma yells from behind them.

"Not when Abuela wants details!" Remi says and we all chuckle.

"Ah ha! So, you are having sex!" Alma says, moving to stay in front of them so they can't walk anymore.

"Abuela. This has go to stop. Go makeup with Abeulito- Actually, please don't." Amara says, looking at her, "Go dance or something. I'm sure another Salsa song will come on soon."

"I'm not dancing without you girls."

"I need alcohol." Amara says, trying to shove past Alma.

"Uh uh uhhh. Not so fast. Are you going to dance at all?"

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