Chapter 3. Stalker

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I popped my gum, waiting for University of Cincinnati's pitcher, Knox Greenwell, to throw the goddamn ball.

He stood at the mound, waiting for his catcher's signals before he fully stepped up and positioned himself.

The guy brought his knee up before he stepped on that same leg, his arm swinging forward as the white ball went flying right towards Levi.

With a swing of his bat, the ball went flying. When Levi dropped the bat and ran, I took off towards home plate.

The announcer came on over the speakers, announcing that it was a home run as my foot touched the dirt covered home plate at the bottom of the diamond. The game was now over, us winning 8-3.

Levi jogs around the bases, a cocky grin on his face as the cameras zoom in on him.

He comes barreling past me as I pat his helmet the same time he pats my shoulder. A home run ritual.

"Atta boy!" Lincoln's deep voice booms towards us as he comes running over. He slaps Levi's ass before jumping onto my back.

"Get off fat ass!" I yell through the laughter.

"Good job." Hayes Kenneth, our starting First Basemen, grunts out as he walks past us.

"Thanks?" Levi says, looking between Lincoln and I with a puzzled look. I just shrug my shoulders, making my way towards the line for hand shakes.

"I'm so done with his bullshit." Lincoln bites out, shaking his head.

"For real. It's fucking annoying and childish." I agree, shaking hands with one of the freshman players on the other team, he grins up at me.

"Good game man." He says and I nod.

"Thanks, you too." I say, giving a pat to his back.

We make our way down the line before I get to the last player, Isaiah Hamilton.

"Hey Rhodes, how ya doing man?" He asks, wrapping his arm around my back.

"Good. You?" I ask, pulling away.

He grins over at me. "Yeah. Mom and Pops watched Aspen all season."

"Yeah? I'll have to tell her." I say.

"Hamilton!" Our heads turn in the attention of his name being called.

"Hey, I gotta go but, it was good seeing you." He says and I smile, patting his shoulder.

"You too, man." I say as we both walk in separate directions.

"I always forget that you two went to high school together." Levi says as I catch up to him and Lincoln.

"Yeah. He's a good guy," I say and they nod.

"He's a good player, too," Lincoln says.

"Yeah, he had scholarship offerings from like everywhere. It was insane." I say, walking towards the dugout.

Levi walks over to the railing as Olivia Holden, his girlfriend, leans over it. He reaches his arms out, pulling her over it as she lets out a squeak-like sound.

"Asher! You're not gonna bail on drinks again are you?" I hear Olivia yell as her and Levi walk towards Lincoln and I.

"God, you skip going out one time." I shake my head, walking towards the door the the locker rooms.

"Are you coming or not Rhodes?" Lincoln asks, throwing his arm over my shoulder.

I shrug it off. "Not if you keep touching me." He takes off his baseball cap, shaking out his sweaty hair before hitting my arm with the hat. "Oh, you motherfucker." I speak through the gritted teeth, a smile playing on my lips.

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