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Sounds of nails clipping filled the room, teeth digging into his fingers out of nervousness. Knees pressed against a rapidly moving chest and a shaking body.

Doe eyes glanced at the clock that began to near 7pm, he had been waiting for Jeongguk to get back home. The boy had left early in the morning after his stream — which Taehyung had missed. Now he was all alone on the couch bored.

It was their 3 year anniversary. And boy did Taehyung have a surprise for Jeongguk.

He sat prettied up, hair curled all fluffy and his body clad in a tight white shirt-like dress, the top few buttons un done and collar pushed apart a little to expose his cleavage. He wore a dainty necklace that Jeongguk had gotten them last year.

A dog yapped below him making him jump and pat the fluff ball.

"Tan, go and finish your food," He whispered but the dog only climbed up onto his lap, letting out a sigh as he curled up, "Are you waiting for your dad too? Me too, when do you think he's going to get back? Do you think he's forgotten?"

The dog didn't reply, just licking Taehyung's hand that caressed his fur gently. Taehyung smiled at the tattoo on the side of his palm, it was 'taekook' written in cursive with a heart next to it.

Suddenly the door to their apartment began to unlock making Taehyung gasp and pick Yeontan up. He frantically spun around trying to find where to place the dog.

"Petal?" A voice called out behind him, Taehyung froze and he resisted the urge to turn around.

Jeongguk slowly shut the door behind him, eyes taking in every curl of Taehyung's hair to the curve of his ass. He didn't miss how the shirt-like dress was so tight and short and stopped just below his ass.

"Where were you?" Taehyung pouted as he asked, hugging Yeontan tighter whilst the boy behind took steps towards him.

"Where do you think?" Jeongguk chuckled wrapping his arms around Taehyung's waist and purposefully swung a small bag to show he was shopping, "I was picking a gift out for our anniversary," he sniffed the fruity scent Taehyung had on before placing multiple kisses against his neck and cheek.

Taehyung turned around eagerly and let Yeontan jump out of his hands, "Really?! What did you get me?!" He excitedly asked the boy who pulled away.

"Well, don't you think our rings are getting old?" Jeongguk pulled out a small velvet box, opening it to reveal a dainty diamond ring.

Taehyung's eyes sparkled as much as the diamond and a gasp left him, "It's so pretty!" He squealed raising his hand for Jeongguk to put it on for him.

"I know, that's why I picked it because it's closest to you," Jeongguk then put his hand next to Taehyung's to show the matching ones.

Taehyung giggled pulling him into a short chaste kiss, "I have a present too, but you have to promise not to get mad," he took Jeongguk's hand began to lead him to the kitchen.

"Why would I be mad?" Jeongguk furrowed his eyebrows that raised up in fascination when he saw a brown box next to a cake.

Taehyung let go of his hands and placed them on top of the box, "Just promise me!" He whined.

"Okay okay! I promise, you know I can't get mad at you," Jeongguk crossed his arms watching the boy push his arms into the box carefully.

"Surprise," Taehyung whispered, a puppy Doberman yawning in his arms, wagging his tail a little.

"Oh my God," Jeongguk's face softened and a smile lifted on his face, taking the puppy into his own arms and caressing its soft head, "God Tae, you're so cute thank you," he pecked the boy who blushed.

"What are you going to name him?" Taehyung also began to pet him, looking down at their feet to see Yeontan wagging his tail and jumping up.

"Bam," Jeongguk replied after a while, kissing the puppies head before slowly placing him onto the floor.

Instantly Yeontan began to sniff the dog and play with him, excitedly jumping around. The two ended up running around until they we're upstairs toppling over each other.

"He's got a brother now!" Taehyung clasped his hands together, leaning against Jeongguk who wrapped an arm around him.

"Why did you think I'd get mad over that?" Jeongguk chuckled and kissed the boy again.

"Well because when I got tan you kept getting upset! You always kicked him out the room when it was time to sleep because apparently he was too good big to sleep with us," Taehyung frowned and blared at the boy who rolled his eyes.

"Not my fault he was taking your attention away from me," Jeongguk scoffed.

"Always jealous,"

"Let's cut the cake now, there's something else I want to eat so bad right now," Jeongguk whispered against his ear lowly.

"Eat what? Are we going to order it for dinner?" Taehyung innocently asked and picked up a knife, only for it to be taken by Jeongguk.

"God, you're so innocent," Jeongguk chuckled and began to cut the cake into small slices.

"Huh? What did I do now?" Taehyung cluelessly asked whilst picking up a small piece of cake, popping it into his mouth and silently moaning at the taste.

A gasp suddenly left him when he felt a strong grasp on his ass. He turned around only for his lips to be connected by Jeongguk's.

"This is what I mean," Jeongguk whispered before getting onto his knees, fingertips bringing the boys pantie like pants down.

"Ah!" Taehyung moaned out when he felt a wet muscle push into his hole, he clenched his fists against the counter and arched his back for Jeongguk.

The boy below gripped into his acc tightly, spanking it whenever Taehyung squirmed and swayed his hips too much.

Taehyung felt his legs shake, eyes turning fierce as he tried to keep quiet. But it didn't work and moans began to only spill out louder.

"Mm it's feels so good," Taehyung cried out, placing an arm back so that his hands could run through Jeongguk's hair.

Jeongguk pulled out, standing up and breathing heavily, his boner pressing against Taehyung's hole.

"Well it's only get better."

it's been 2 years 🥹

anyways let's be friends follow my insta @ aureataee 😉

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