𝗧𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲; sick

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Taehyung groaned waking up to the sound of loud breathing, he furrowed his eyebrows sitting up and looking down at Jeongguk who uncomfortably slept next to him.

"gguk?" Taehyung questioned placing a hand against Jeongguk's forehead only to retract it when he felt the burning temperature of Jeongguk.

"hm?" Jeongguk lowly hummed unable to sit up or open his eyes.

"I told you, you should go outside more! But here you are playing your stupid games and getting no vitamins, do you know how bad that is for you?! You're sick now, the only D you've gotten is Detroit Become Human," Taehyung scolded making Jeongguk hiss and pull Taehyung on to him.

"I'll give you a different type of D if you don't shut up," Jeongguk whispered falling back asleep. Taehyung sat up not understanding what the boy meant and made his way to the kitchen.

He made some soup that would help a cold, full of nutrients for Jeongguk's hoogly boogly vitman deprived ass.

"Hey, wake up," Taehyung whispered sitting beside Jeongguk with the soup resting on his hand, Jeongguk grunted slowly sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

Taehyung blew on a spoonful of soup and pushed it into Jeongguk's mouth. Jeongguk blushed making eye contact with Taehyung briefly as he got fed.

Taehyung was too focused on making sure Jeongguk's mouth wasn't dirty to see the other staring at him with loving eyes.

He's so perfect. Jeongguk took in every detail of Taehyung's face and smiled almost choking in the soup, Taehyung looked up wiping the soup from Jeongguk's mouth and blushing madly before leaving.

"Tae, can you go live for me?" Jeongguk asked and Taehyung eagerly nodded helping Jeongguk get back to sleep.

Taehyung quickly washed the dishes before rushing back to the now sleeping boy's room, he smiled admiring how peaceful and cute Jeongguk looked sleeping. He walked over to the pc switching it on and loading up twitch.

He hummed watching the viewer count rise up quickly.

"Sorry, no jeongguk today, he's sick so I'll be taking over," Taehyung looked back at Jeongguk before turning to the screen with a bright smile. "Isn't he cute? Bet you guys are jealous he's my boyfriend,"

H0PESEG0: omg omg omg omg he is so CUTE PLEASE GIRL-
ElliotTheKitten: he's adorable uwu

Taehyung smiled at the comments before going back to the game and starting it up, he lowly hummed tapping the keys bored.

"Oh by the way, stop being rude to googie, I saw a hate comment yesterday and I don't want to see one ever again," Taehyung threatened glaring at the screen before going back to shooting.

abc132: he's actually scary
bl0odbrn: sharted
hahausername: OMH OK CHILL CHILD
Username: didn't ask

Jeongguk gripped onto his bedsheet tightly furrowing his eyebrows as sweat dropped down his forehead, Taehyung heard his groans and looked back at him before turning to the camera.

"He's getting worse, hope he's able to play next time with you guys, bye!" Taehyung waved at the camera turning the live off and rushing to Jeongguk.

Jeongguk whimpered pulling the covers close to his chest and squirming as harsh dreams played in his brain.

"T-taehyung," he whispered letting a sob, Taehyung sat down next to the boy and gently shook him.

"gguk, I'm here," Taehyung squeezed Jeongguk's bicep making the boy shoot awake.

"Taehyung!" Jeongguk cried out pulling Taehyung close to him and hugging the boy tightly, Taehyung hummed blushing madly. "I-I had a bad dream, I thought I lost you,"

"I'm right here, I'm not gonna leave you,"

Short update 😂😂


(Also those who said I could use your usernames, yours will be used in the last chapter of this book)

(Ps. Remind who those people were again 😂)

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