𝗳𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻; love

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I won't cry.

Taehyung opened the first aid box sniffing and turning to Jeongguk who laid on the couch sweating and bleeding.

I am not going to cry.

He pressed the alcoholic wipe against Jeongguk's cut gently making the other wince, Taehyung softly smiled blinking away his tears and examining the cut.

I can cope, I'm strong, I won't cry.

Taehyung winced at the bruise and cleaned the small cut, he bit his lip disposing the wipe and getting out medical tape, he cut them into smalls bits and placed them on Jeongguk's forehead.

He lifted Jeongguk's head and sat down before placing it back on his lap. He caressed the boys face and patted the boys chest gently, as if he was trying to get a baby to sleep.

Jeongguk looked up at Taehyung with a small smile and closed his eyes enjoying Taehyung's comforting touches. He placed his hand on top of the others that was on his chest.

Taehyung reached for the cushion on the floor and slowly stood up, he placed Jeongguk's head on the cushion before picking up all the shattered bottles.

He'd glance at Jeongguk who laid down with his eyes closed, Taehyung placed the bottles in the bin gently and sweeped the floor. He cleaned up the blood and walked over to Jeongguk who had fallen asleep.

"You're so cute," Taehyung whispered walking over to the kitchen to make some chicken soup.

Once he was done, he walked over to Jeongguk and placed the soup on the table, gently shaking Jeongguk awake.

"You okay?" Taehyung asked his voice shaking, Jeongguk smiled slowly sitting up and ruffling the boys hair.

"Why are you being so cute for? Have I always had an injury?" Jeongguk joked and Taehyung smiled sadly picking up the spoon and bringing up to Jeongguk's mouth once he had blown it.

"I'm sorry for getting you involved, I should have stabbed him right then and there," Taehyung brushed his hair back with his non-injured hand, Jeongguk looked down at the boys sweaty neck and slightly exposed collarbones.

How can I be horny in a moment like this? Jeongguk crossed his legs so that his boner was covered and he continued eating the soup Taehyung was feeding him.

"Good you told me, what if you never told me and stayed here alone and scared?" Jeongguk spoke in a comforting voice and Taehyung hummed wiping the others mouth.

"But tae got gguk hurt," Taehyung pouted and Jeongguk smiled cooing at the others cuteness no matter the situation.

"It's not your fault baby, I'd do whatever to keep you safe," Jeongguk said and Taehyung blushed feeding Jeongguk faster so that the boy would shut up.

"How are you going to go live?" Taehyung gasped and Jeongguk hummed wincing as he squinted his eyebrows. "No! Don't do that," Taehyung shook his hands in the air cupping Jeongguk's head and analysing the cut.

Jeongguk looked up at Taehyung with doe eyes, he lowered his eyes towards the boys pink lips and he leaned closer but Taehyung pulled away going back to feeding him.

So he can touch my dick, let me spank him but I can't kiss him, what the fuck?  Jeongguk scoffed mentally and angrily swallowed the soup.

"How about you play for me?"

This was supposed to be a smut chapter 👹👹👹

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