𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆; Married In Hawaii

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Taehyung rubbed his injured wrists whilst glaring at Jeongguk as they sat down on the plane, it had been many hours now and both were beyond eager to go on this trip together.

"Is this really the outside world?" Jeongguk looked out the window amazed by how beautiful the view is, Taehyung grinned letting out a giggle from how Jeongguk looked at the clouds. "You see this every day?"

Taehyung was about to answer but his phone that he forgot to put in airplane mode began to buzz, he picked it up quickly turning the vibration off, he answered the call making sure Jeongguk couldn't hear.

"Son, where are you?"

"Landing in Hawaii, why?"

"Well, we've decided to get you married to The Min's in Hawaii!! Isn't that such a coincidence?!"

"M-married?" Taehyung whispered hiding the fact he was outraged by his parent's stupid decisions.

"Yeah, since you can't run the business why not marry a big business? Imagine the success! You in for it or...?"

"Uhh," Taehyung bit his lip turning to Jeongguk who was happily admiring the view outside, he sighed not wanting to disappoint his parents, "Yeah-"

"Great! We've picked out your outfit already, they want you to wear a dress so we'll pick you up around 5pm? Bye bye, we love you!"

Taehyung placed his phone down slowly and turning to Jeongguk who was falling asleep, he closed his eyes letting his head fall on to Jeongguk's shoulder as they both slept until they arrived.

Jeongguk woke up due to the plane shaking as they landed, he turned to Taehyung tiredly and pecked the boys head, his eyes landed on the cuff marks on Taehyung wrists and sighed feeling bad, he woke the boy up as everyone clapped for when they landed. Taehyung hummed standing up carefully and walking down the aisle with Jeongguk behind him.

They hadn't packed much since they were only going to be there for three days, a small suitcase and a backpack with what they needed for 3 days. Taehyung limped slightly his ass still sore from the previous night which made Jeongguk quietly laugh.

"Hurry up you cripple-" Jeongguk immediately shut up when he saw a man being helped out on a wheelchair, Taehyung snorted lightly punching Jeongguk as they tried looking around for the way out.

"Do you think the driver speaks English?" Taehyung questioned and Jeongguk shrugged as the sunlight hit his face, Taehyung covered his eyes trying to find a driver but he was blind. Jeongguk grabbed the boy's wrist and pulled him to a free driver.

"Ah, a hotel right by the beach, amazing choice," The driver luckily spoke in English which made both of them sigh in relief, they sat down next to each other smiling and soon they set off to their destination.

"gguk, imagine if we died on the plane," Taehyung randomly spoke making Jeongguk turn to him with a shocked face.

"Why the fuck would you think of that?" Jeongguk questioned but Taehyung kept thinking, questions overstimulating his already worn-out brain.

"It's a little weird, you're out of the apartment for the first time in decades, and you're also in Hawaii with me," Taehyung hummed rubbing his chin looking around the view from Jeongguk window. "Sounds too good to be true,"

"Yeah, sometimes I wonder that when I remember you exist," Jeongguk winked and Taehyung blushed hitting the boy again lightly, the driver smiled at them before pulling up in a large hotel surrounded by different kinds of shops and palm trees.

"Woah it's so big!" Taehyung gasped as they stepped out of the car after they paid the driver, Jeongguk scoffed feeling suddenly upset.

"You didn't react like that when you saw Jeongguk Junior," Jeongguk crossed his arms as they walked towards the entrance, Taehyung looked at him confused almost tripping over the suitcase.

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