𝘀𝗶𝘅; don't punish me!

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Jeongguk woke up after three hours of sleep and gently sat up with Taehyung still on top of him. Taehyung moaned rubbing his eyes before rolling off of Jeongguk and onto his bed again.

He watched Jeongguk stand up and get ready to stream some overwatch for God knows how many times now.

Taehyung followed him around hoping this would annoy the other but Jeongguk instead enjoyed the boy's company. Taehyung suddenly remembered what one of Jeongguk's friend had told him to do.

"Fuck you!" Taehyung smiled and Jeongguk spat out his toothpaste and turned to Taehyung with a shocked and angry face.

"Excuse me? You do not say that to me, do you understand?" Jeongguk rinsed his mouth and turned to Taehyung who smirked but still wasn't satisfied with Jeongguk's reaction. He wanted to push it.

"What? Fuck you?! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck fuck fuck-"

"Taehyung, I said you do not say those types of words," Jeongguk walked over to Taehyung who gulped backing up against the bathroom wall.

"You do not speak to me or come near me until you realize what you've done," Jeongguk walked past Taehyung who stared at where Jeongguk was once standing and debated if he should push it.

"Yolo," Taehyung walked back into his room and tried thinking of another way to get Jeongguk mad. He remembered what he had watched two days ago and grinned as he brushed his teeth.

He spat the toothpaste out and went to his closet trying to find the most revealing clothes he had. He put on a pink hoodie and some white short shorts that you could practically call underwear.

Jeongguk sat in his chair thinking about Taehyung had behaved and coldly responded to his friends.

"What's wrong with you? Someone touch tae-"

"Just shut the fuck up," Jeongguk rubbed his forehead in annoyance and shot his friend who yelled at him, he stared at the warning he received for shooting his teammate. He furrowed his eyebrows when he saw his room reflection showing and Taehyung poking his head in.

Jeongguk turned to the boy confused and still annoyed. Taehyung slowly stepped in and Jeongguk's eyes widened.

"Wowie, who is that?" A friend gasped as they all got a glimpse of Taehyung's body but luckily not his face.

"Taehyung, get out right now," Jeongguk demanded covering his camera and unplugging his mic. Taehyung only walked more and more in trying to get Jeongguk to move his hand off of the camera.

Jeongguk poked the inside of his cheek bouncing his leg as he waited for Taehyung to say something or get out.


"That's enough!" Jeongguk yelled leaving the stream and harshly standing up causing the chair to fall back. Taehyung gasped seeing anger in Jeongguk's eyes for the first time and he backed away.

"I think you do need your fucking punishment," Jeongguk walked over to Taehyung who screamed getting ready to run out the door but Jeongguk grabbed him by the waist and dragged him over to his bed.

He sat down with Taehyung bent over his lap fearing slightly on what was going to happen next but also excited as he loved how Jeongguk was handling him.

Taehyung gasped when Jeongguk lifted his hoodie and pulled down his shorts along with his boxers.

"What are you- ah!" Taehyung moaned when Jeongguk delivered a harsh slap on his butt cheek.

"Count and say you'll never do that again," Jeongguk growled smacking Taehyung harder making the boy yelp and bite his lip feeling some sort of pleasure, "Tell me if it gets too much and you wanna stop," he made sure the boy was okay.

"2! And I won't swear again," Taehyung arched his back as Jeongguk showed no signs of stopping.

"Keeping me up all night, swearing at me, and now showing your body to millions of people with no hesitation?" Jeongguk's slaps got harsher and Taehyung whined letting out a cry counting another one, "Only I want to see your pretty face and body,"

"Will you do it again, huh?" Jeongguk asked still spanking Taehyung who had tears streaming down his face.

"five! No! I won't I promise," Taehyung crossed his fingers for a second before Jeongguk saw that and let out his anger in one slap.

Taehyung yelped his legs shaking and ass stinging from the pain and pleasure he was feeling. He panted for air thinking Jeongguk was gonna stop but the hits kept on coming.

"Will you listen to me next time?"

"Eight! Yes, I'll listen," Taehyung's voice cracked as he let out a small whimper.

Jeongguk hummed still not satisfied and rubbed Taehyung's red cheeks before starting again. He looked at Taehyung who was grunting and crying as his body felt a wave of electricity at every slap.

"Come on, whose baby are you? Whose good boy are you?" Jeongguk huskily whispered and Taehyung gasped for hair pushing his hair back.

"Ten! Yours, I'm yours," Taehyung fell limp in Jeongguk's lap and told himself never to piss off Jeongguk again.

He whimpered as Jeongguk massaged his ass gently and looked down at him apologetically.

"I'm sorry flower, but I really didn't like how you swore and then walked in half naked, I don't want anyone but me seeing your body," Jeongguk spoke soothingly and Taehyung hiccuped still regretting on pissing Jeongguk off.

"Did I hurt you?" Jeongguk sat Taehyung on his lap and cradled him like a baby, Taehyung sniffed looking at Jeongguk with puffy, the younger shook his head.

"I'm sorry for not listening, I'll be a good boy and I won't do it again, don't punish me!" Taehyung frantically explained and Jeongguk felt bad for scaring the younger.

"I'm sorry if I scared you bubs, I wont-"

"N-no, it's okay, I wanted it to happen. You can do it if I ever do something bad again, I want to be a good boy," Taehyung buried his face into Jeongguk's side as the other pulled up his pants and carefully placed him into his bed.

"Well, get some rest now, I wasn't planning on going that high," Jeongguk apologized before picking his chair back up and going back to the stream as if nothing happened.

"Sorry about that, baby was being bad,"

k he won't jump off a cliff 😋

Its 3:08 am and I'm on an ungodly level of tired, Sheesh everyone go to sleep rn

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