epilogue; horny

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Loud music boomed in the wedding hall as guests cheered and congratulated them, Taehyung smiled leaning against Jeongguk who fed him more food.

"I really thought I wouldn't make it," Taehyung gulped down his spoonful of rice, he hadn't eaten since yesterday and the night everything happened.

"Me too, I was already planning a suicide note," Jeongguk sighed resting his head on Taehyung's head watching little kids giggle and dance around under the disco lights.

"I love you," Taehyung turned to Jeongguk who smiled pecking the boys lips.

"I love you too," he stood up pulling Taehyung up with him, he bowed at the guests before announcing it was time for them to leave. "You should wear dresses more often,"

"Shut up," Taehyung blushed as they stepped out into the open a cold breeze hitting their face, Jeongguk led him to their car Jimin had let him borrow and started it up not being able to take his eyes off of Taehyung.

"Where should we have our honeymoon?" Jeongguk questioned and Taehyung shrugged too tired to think of a place. "Let's stay here, it's beautiful,"

"You're better," Taehyung responded making Jeongguk look away scoffing and blushing madly, he drove slowly on the empty highway listening to sweet tunes with Taehyung humming along to some of them.

They stopped in front of an open ice cream shop and grinned buying some, they stood outside staring up at the moon together their faces displaying all the things they went through.

The ice cream man looked at them confused, his eyes brows raised as to why the fuck there was a married couple eating ice cream at midnight.

Jeongguk finished off first and then with Taehyung who shivered under the cold midnight wind. Jeongguk slipped off his blazer placing it on to Taehyung's shoulders making the other blush.

"Your face is gonna explode if you blush anymore," Jeongguk smirked driving again and getting closer to the hotel.

"I can say the same to you big man," Taehyung scoffed stepping out the car along with Jeongguk who stood in front of the hotel doors.

"You know what else is big?" He smirked walking into the doors and towards the elevator with Taehyung looking at him confused.

"No? What?" Taehyung looked at him innocently stepping out of the elevator and walking to their room as quietly as possible. Jeongguk chuckled placing a do not disturb sign on the door handle.

"I'll show you," he smirked pulling Taehyung into a kiss, Taehyung moaned stumbling back as Jeongguk removed his dress with a touch.

He blushed the dress falling from his torso and his hands unbuttoned Jeongguk's shirt and unbuckled his belt, Jeongguk gently pushed Taehyung onto the bed flipping him on to his back and grabbing his tie.

"A-ah, what are you doing?" Taehyung choked out whilst Jeongguk wrapped a tie around his neck and pulled him back, Taehyung moaned feeling Jeongguk enter him with no prep.

"Are you okay?" Jeongguk checked up on him leaving purple marks on his neck.

"M-mmhm, ah!" Taehyung moaned his voice cracking when Jeongguk found his prostate. He threw his head back his body wanting to fall on to the bed but Jeongguk held him up thrusting into his prostate roughly.

"Fuck, you feel so good," Jeongguk moaned into his ear making him whimper and let his arms drop onto the bed. Jeongguk grinded his hips against Taehyung and got on his knees so that he could get deeper inside of Taehyung.

He flipped the boy onto his back and intertwined their hands with his member rummaging into Taehyung's hole.

"F-faster gguk!" Taehyung begged wrapping his legs around Jeongguk's waist and arching his back as he felt himself nearing to cum. "I'm gonna-"

"Fuck!" Jeongguk moaned in unison with Taehyung delivering last few thrusts that made the bed creak loudly likely disturbing the neighbours.

There was a long silence as the two caught up on their breaths with Jeongguk still inside of him and on top of Taehyung's rising chest.

"Best moment this year was when the random Italian man acted like my father when I walked down the aisle," Taehyung spoke up giggling along with Jeongguk who let out a low chuckle his hand caressing the boy's chest.

"Best moment was when you got yourself stuck in those chains," Jeongguk smirked thinking about how beautiful Taehyung looked with them on and under his spell.

"No best moment was when we confessed to each other," Taehyung corrected Jeongguk who hummed agreeing immediately.

"Talking about sex Jeon Taehyung, you up for a round 2?" Jeongguk smirked hovering over Taehyung who rolled his eyes playfully and smiling lovingly at his husband above him.

"You're always so Horny."

the end.


I AM GONNA MISS UPDATING THIS BOOK SM 😭😭😭😭😭 THANK YOU ALL FOR STICKING TILL THE END I LOVE YOU ALL SMMMMM 😭😭😭💕💕💕💕💕💕💟💟💟❣️❣️❣️💞💞💞💓💓💓💗💗💗💗💝💘💘💘♥️♥️🖤🖤💜💜💙💙💚💚💚💛💛🧡🧡🧡❤️



[ Horny has left the game ]


And if y'all enjoyed it, here are some smut books similar ish;
- his baby
- popular
- milk boy

do check out my other books that r much better than this one x

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